Won’t get any disagreement out of me. He’s not Jody in Baby Boy. This was calculated murder from a distance. That’s some evil shit.
Won’t get any disagreement out of me. He’s not Jody in Baby Boy. This was calculated murder from a distance. That’s some evil shit.
Not to mention that the grand plan was to kill a bunch of random people in the area, then head to the house of Muhammad’s estranged wife (link has a picture) and kill her too. Instead of questioning the husband first, they figured the police would attribute her death to the Beltway* Snipers and Muhammad would get away…
Why? As with black and brown juveniles around the country who are criminalized from pre-adolescence, 17 is plenty old to be treated like a “man,” in the U.S. court system, especially if the victims of such crimes are white (which, in this case, they were).
don’t forget the wounded. iran brown, for one, a black teenager
Why is anybody shedding a tear for this POS?! Lets pick a different hill to die on today people. Can a murderous scumbag at 17 turn it all around and make amends...becoming productive members of society? I’m not really that willing to find out
Look at you bringing facts in to an online comment system. How dare you!
And to be clear, I wouldn't support the release of a murderer that is a danger to society.
In court there is evidence to suggest he had many of the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder (i.e., psychopathic behavior) prior to even meeting the other psychopath including killing animals as a child. Clearly, his participation in mass murder shows the other symptoms (disregard for social morals and the…
Okay, I was just wondering. Me personally - I want no parts of a psychopath who had murdered many people walking free near me or any of my loved ones. These folks can’t be rehabilitated and especially in the American prison system which doesn’t rehab folks who aren’t psychopaths.
He killed several people of color, including several Black people across the USA - not just the DMV. He also shot and permanently injured a 13 year old Black boy. My opinion- I don’t support leniency for Black people who are guilty of harming anyone and especially other Black folks.
I don’t think anybody actually believes this is about him being able to rehabilitated and not about punishment.
Why? As with black and brown juveniles around the country who are criminalized from pre-adolescence, 17 is plenty old to be treated like a “man,” in the U.S. court system, especially if the victims of such crimes are white (which, in this case, they were).
So if that we’re the case, wouldn’t he have “hired” them after Fox offered to provide him with security after the letter was sent?
I agree. You wrote an opinion. Hoe is that trolling now? And what do I have to do get my comment ungrayed?
Who’s we?
How is what I said trolling?
Strutting around like he’s all that and without a care in the world. Does he not understand that the whole world realizes that he is a stone cold liar, cheater, and fraud? Fuck this loser. And do not @ me about presumption of innocence because DUH but also because let’s face it, that ship has now sailed. Loser.
Before, I was hoping he would serve little to no jail time and just confess, but now that he is continuing this charade he deserves whatever (stiffer) penalty he gets..
Yeah I think his character will probably meet the same as that of Columbus Short’s character on Scandal after the actor got in trouble for domestic issues.