Cartesian Cat

That’s a play right out of the LA Riots. 

They were looking for any excuse to loot, they made up a story that the cops shot a child and went with it as a pretense to why they went wilding

Until they are in your neighborhood, two houses away from you, moving in your direction, torching and looting. Then you’ll dial 911. Oh, and about the redistribution; many small business owners might disagree with you on that, unless you are so flat ass broke, that any person with a dollar bill looks welathy to you.

Who is the clueless guy with a good heart? We have Joe Biden the author of the 94 crime bill, the man who urged Reagan to go to the right on the war on drugs (which was really the war on Black and brown people) the man who still hasn’t properly apologized to Anita Hill, the author of the Bankruptcy bill, the one who

Ignoring Biden’s gaffes and shortcomings for political expediency in this election is journalistic malpractice. It’s also the same behavior we criticize Republicans for in regards to Trump.

Biden has been spewing bigoted stuff for the longest while yet black politicians, media pundits, intellectuals, writers, keep making excuses for the guy. Shameful.

Damn, again Joe? Why are so many of your gaffes on race? Somebody superglue this mediocre motherfucker’s dentures shut. I blame the DNC for this mess.

Isn’t Obama’s intervention why we’re stuck with Biden in the first place?

This man threw us under a bus that wasn’t even driving down our street.

Same guy who starts dropping “man” and “aint” when he’s addressing black people. Who would’ve guessed.

Not to mention Ginger Harry is going to just BURN under that California sun.

Which is precisely why the law is shitty. In essence, the law (as written) recognizes “reverse racism” as criminally actionable behavior.

This! Once he started mentioned his money woes (albeit with numbers that don’t make any sense but I digress) I figured this whole church thing was to start some kind of religious entity to avoid paying taxes.

I know i’ll catch fire for this but Susan Rice leaves me cold! From her almost dismissive comments about the slave trade claiming it was mostly “a buyers and sellers” kind of thing (a Uganda newspaper rightly put her in her damn place!); to her claim that slavery was a “largely irrelevant” issue during her visit to

Puhleeze, keep that hope alive! If a Black pastor can send bathroom pics sporting tight shirts and half-baked S-curls to young Black dudes they’re grooming and keep their churches, how is objecting to some memes gonna bring them down?

Thank you. And I get your point. Right now I am just pleasantly surprised and very very pleased that someone whose work I admire so much has responded to something I posted. This is massive!

Black men wear flip flops.

I have no connection to what Future says or what Jay Z would wear or what brands the kids are wearing these days. I’m just talking about what I know of Blackness through my own 44 years of life, not the video or musical or fashion version of Blackness, you know what I mean? Saying that wearing flip flops has never

Maybe if he didn’t have such a basic reductive caricature of blackness as an aspirational model then he wouldn’t feel so burdened and conflicted by it. Fried bologna and spades??? Heckin Woof, bruh. It’s a black thing if a black person is doing it. What is this 3rd grade Oreo coconut “am I still black if I like