
I already did. Read my first comment and do some research instead of just reading a clearly biased article and summing up your opinion on something right away.

Then stop talking about it. You clearly are not going to get anywhere with little knowledge of the subject you are talking about, and you can't provide a clear argument with such one-sided logic, so stop talking about it.

Good god, listen to the actual song. Do some research. Do something instead of just having your primary source of information on this group be a completely biased article against them.

This is so funny. What a totally biased and failed attempted "takeout" piece for a group whose main audience will never come to this site anyway, which gives you the advantage of using lyrics (joke lyrics, I might add, from a joke song, from one of the two non-rappers of OFWGKTA, Jasper. He's not a rapper and he knows

Thank you. Unfortunately this group of kids not even able to legally drink yet are under the scope just because of how famous they are. If I showed you their songs and they were still just a bunch of skate rats hanging out in L.A. every day you wouldn't be surprised because this is how kids act.

Honestly, is the Netflix price hike that bad? It's an already amazing deal for the price it always has been, and it's still less than an actual DVD for an amazing service that allows you to watch as many movies as you want whenever you want for as long as you want.

Um, is 70,000 a normal number for any #1 game in Japan that isn't Pokemon or Monster Hunter? Do people not buy video games in Japan anymore?

I love how this guy went completely out of his way to disprove a point that wasn't being made.

The Wu!

Damn, I totally forgot about the touchscreen for a second! If this thing plays most multiplats I cannot wait to buy it.

I miss the days when things were actually a surprise and people didn't just talk to get a story.

How will the Wii U be able to play multiplatform games without clickable analog sticks? I know it's not that important, but they're still present in most modern control schemes.

1. They're still on my phone, who cares?

"the Call of Duty Camera Angle"

What? It's on Android.

Cartoon Network really has consistently aired quality cartoons in the last 10-15 years, they're just few and far inbetween. They always cancel them after 2-3 years.