

No, it's not. It's asking you to tell them what that black thing is, which is a VHS, which is only three letters, which can fit in that text field.

And yet they still haven't given us the option to auto-hide tabs and other bars, something every other browser - even IE - does.

Well, I mean back in 06-07 when you could only get in through and invite from another member and a cell phone confirmation

Please don't turn it into a retarded TPS. Please....

Still waiting for my invite. I wonder if they take into consideration past history of being invited to try other Google projects (Buzz, Gmail when it was still in beta)

I love when people do this, as if there's any proof that their position is valid either.

"Fuck the haters"

Glad you read the article! wasn't. Stop being stupid. Why is the featured thread always garbage like this? Why do people even respond to garbage like this?

Why hasn't every single babbling moron in this thread been banned yet?

*cue 2 year old South Park jokes that were unfunny to begin with and cries of "OMG I STILL HATE HIM BCUZ HE BULLIED TAYLOR SWIFT! :("*

Would be great if the protagonist was one of the FBI agents. It would be nice to play as someone successful to begin with rather than working your way up from the bottom and being the proverbial errand boy for every sociopath in the city.

Oh hey look someone that clearly hasn't listened to any of Kanye West's music and is probably slightly racist

They don't have a monopoly, lol.

The fact that I've only played one Ace Attorney game really excites me because I still have like 5 more to play. Ace Attorney is awesome!

@grooveraider: Not really, since I've actually played the game and also....wait - what? That makes no sense.

Edit: Nevermind

@markussimka: Anything about anything can be intelligent, you just have to be intelligent and know how to type out a sentence, which you are clearly capable of.

@grooveraider: I hate Angry Birds and I've played it for more than a half an hour. It's boring as all hell and it annoys me that it's praised as a "deep physics game."