A huge PC Gold Box sale, LectroFan, Humble Books, and Jach’s hoodies lead off Tuesday’s best deals from around the…
A huge PC Gold Box sale, LectroFan, Humble Books, and Jach’s hoodies lead off Tuesday’s best deals from around the…
I don’t see how this is racist in anyway. Honestly, I can’t see any racist ange to this at all. You may be 100% correct that some women feel “feminism is only for white women”, I have no way of knowing that, BUT THIS case seem devoid of racial inequities, as most of the athealtes this women feels are being…
Phelps literally has nowhere to go. He is competing against literally the best. She is *not*.
Semenya is a woman who has higher levels of testosterone than most women, like Michael Phelps has longer arms than most men.
This article is an exercise in scientific illiteracy and bad journalism that’s a fitting output for Trumpistan. It demonstrates a complete and utter ignorance of the actual issue.
It isn’t an obsession. Allowing men to compete with women will be the end of women’s sports. For all intents and purposes Semenya has the biological makeup of a man. I’m sorry that it isn’t fair for her, but life isn’t fair for a lot of people.
Categorically not racist. And not even sexist. I can see both sides of that - she had abnormally high testosterone because of a birth condition which is not normally occurring. No fault of hers, of course, but also not a level playing field - and sports assumes that there is one. That’s why there are different weight…
The truth that you speak gets cancelled out by your demonization of “white people.” A path forward can be found without such reductionism. Sure, it feels good in a self-righteous way, but it’s counter productive and appeals to base instincts in the same way as racism itself.