
BINGO.  Thanks for this, you’re dead on.

Is it OK to have “industry-standard established ranges based on experience”? In other words, is it OK for a senior writer to earn more than a relatively new writer? I think that pay structure is generally fair and if Chiarelli was a woman or person of color, the author of this article would agree with me. But since

Thanks for this wonderfully insightful article attacking “the system.” I agree that the real world in which all people are better off in this country than any time in human history -0 is awful and everything would be so much better in fantasyland.

If it was a penalty to grab the hair, then you’re giving long-haired players an unfair advantage because their hair covers jersey and pads that would otherwise be used to make a tackle.  The same isn’t true in the other sports you list, so this is an odd article.  

I don’t agree with everything Bret Stephens wrote, but he makes some excellent points regarding the reasonable views of a large part of this country. And he’s far from alone in his criticism of the Democratic party’s current rhetoric. Rather than address the actual substance of his remarks, you personally attack him

Sigh. One can surely quibble with David Frum on multiple levels but this is a hollow critique. Like so many authors these days, it attacks a position it views as contradicting “woke” ideology by using straw men rather than recognizing very reasonable and, dare I say, strong premises in his argument (a “steel man”

What line would you draw for who can compete in women’s sports, which keeps in mind the whole point of having women-specific sporting events in the first place? What is clear to any reasonable person is that lines must be drawn, and there will always be disputes about the line. I don’t disagree with much of what you

But assuming she does, what’s your position? Her body developed like a man’s body with all the advantages which that provide in athletic and, combined with testosterone levels, this naturally calls into question whether she should race with women or with men.

Roseanne is a piece of trash and ABC did the right thing. That said, you’re just as bad by asserting that Roseanne’s deplorable conduct is an example of acting white. Your narrow-minded “racism” is not the cure, it’s part of the problem.

Oh, I get. You’re assuming they’re mostly all white and you can mock them for their whiteness, with names like Braden. Very enlightened of you.

The truth that you speak gets cancelled out by your demonization of “white people.” A path forward can be found without such reductionism. Sure, it feels good in a self-righteous way, but it’s counter productive and appeals to base instincts in the same way as racism itself.

Let’s face it, the only good white person is someone who just shuts up and doesn’t say a thing because anything they say that remotely touches on race or social issues can and will be held against them by narrow-minded people who go hyperbolic when confronted with viewpoints that don’t sync up with their extremist

Frank Bruni’s point is a good one. The issues are complex and there can be a range of reasonable viewpoints on how to undermine the alt-right bigots and how to support marginalized groups.

You’re probably right! And I get the humor combined with cringe-worthy statements that people have been subjected to and that can be part of their daily experience. That said, the world is complex and there seems to be an unfortunate trend of the far left feeling very comfortable painting all white people with a

Love the way you keep feeding the narrative that white people are either overt racists, closet racists or the worst kind of racists — liberals who think they “get” black people but are ignorant, employ microagressions and are basically racists. The good news is that the solution — culled from intersectionality and

Wow, a really narrow-minded post, which states that “Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.” This is not what he is saying and not the point of the NY Times article. It’s not about “deemphasizing equal rights” — which is of course a wonderful goal —

Donald Trump is indeed a race-baiting moron. But the subtext of this article suggests that the “white people” attracted to Trump are racist and that this is symptomatic of larger issues in this country such as [insert one of many critical race theory catchphrases, e.g., white privilege, institutional racism, etc.]