Carson McCrullers

Somehow it never seems to work that. Gay men and men of color have no problem seeing their own oppression, but they’re still very quick to downplay or deny what happens to women. White women have no problem seeing their own oppression, but they’re still very quick to deny what happens to people of color. And people

Her twitter profile most recently said she was a journalist “on hiatus”. Not long after writing an insanely anti-trans piece for the American Conservative, of all things. I did not know how bad things were in the Natash VC land until just yesterday, but uh, how bout we don’t even ask her, there are cooler people at

And, sadly, this is part of the reason many men are not able to fully get on board. So much has to have direct benefits and returns, as though it were a financial investment. I am so sick of people applying these terms to humans.

I don’t want to ungrey the butthurt dudes, but no, I don’t trust progressive men either and I don’t care if that alienates men, because the end goal of feminism is not to make men feel good about their lives, their relationships, and their choices.

Some days I don’t know who I want to slap sense into more: her or her boss.

We should look to Australia. They had a mass shooting, the politicians did something about it instead of just sending useless thoughts and prayers, and as a result they don’t have constant mass shootings.

I had a white pair from American Eagle. I wore with a flippy denim miniskirt. So bad.

How could you leave out the flip flop kitten heel abomination that tarnishes the memories of my youth?

Wait. If this means Kylie will bop around in a beret, yellow yarn wig and a macrame or blue vinyl top and jean jacket all the time, I’m 100% here for it.

I’m astonished by this as well. I hate him with the heat of a thousand million laser cats.

Issa Rae has the best smile.

Found the person who still makes his mom fill out forms for him!


I went to chipotle today for lunch, and there was a new decal on the window outside that read: “Chipotle has Queso! Not Fake News!” The [second] biggest regret this country should have about the 2016 election is allowing “Fake News” to become a part of the societal lexicon.

What about this:

You’ve been working in LA in the industry for 20 years and you have never heard of the Cinefamily? Uhhh... what HAVE you heard of?

People had their faces covered because they rightly feared busybody assholes like Tom Llamas would dime them out to the cops!

Jurassic Park holds up extremely well, honestly. The female lead is wearing sensible clothes given her profession and no one stops her from doing her job because she’s a woman. The young girl is the hacker and Goldblum is the shirtless eye candy. All the dinosaurs are female!

Thanks, John Cornyn, for putting Mya’s earworm back in my brain.

I find it incredibly hard to put into words just how awful it would be to end DACA. I have a number of friends who have DACA and it keeps me up at night thinking about what might happen to them if DACA is taken away. The short thing is that they, along with 800,000 others will lose their job, either immediately or