Carson McCrullers

Mark my words, this whole family is going down so hard over the next half-decade.

It is! And isn’t it high time someone did one of those before and after photo spreads and talks about the plastic surgery he has so clearly had??

Totally. He looks like my preemie cabbage patch doll, Wendeline.

I kinda feel like you probably have to be a pedophile of some kind to constantly invent and obsess over these far flung, highly improbable, and in some cases, literal science fiction scenarios that all somehow involve child sex rings and child sex slaves. Theyre kinda showing their hand ya know? Like if someone told

“Maine’s fun-loving Republican governor Paul LePage implied that he makes up stories to confuse the press; in a radio interview, he also said “the sooner the print press goes away, the better society will be.” 

Do you have kids? I have 2. If my wife died, and I crawled into a bottle and mourned her for 7 years like I think I would (10 years in and I am still madly in love with my wife), it would be much worse for all of us than if I got my shit together emotionally and got back out there. Life is for the living, and Patton

I used to judge but I’ve noticed that in the past grieving was about staying alone until you were ready to put the memories away and people aren’t like that anymore.

You can honor a marriage while participating in all the benefits of having a committed partnership. How does loneliness honor a spouse that is no longer living?

Nope, too soon. It’s none of my business and I’m glad they’re all happy but all the hair stands on the back of my neck when this happens

Even worse? Putin’s an Orca. He’ll drive blubber rich Donnie to an ice floe to think he’s safe, drift around making comforting noises and then call in his entire pod to decimate him. This is like sending a addled hamster into a cobra cage.

And also make him walk up and down lots of stairs.

What would a Rob Kardashian ‘Lemonade’ look like? Socks with sad faces printed on them?

They just need to work it out over a nice, friendly game of Cones of Dunshire.

Bobby I love you so dearly but please... it’s “fiancée” if it’s Chyna! Don’t be another one of those people who just uses “fiancé” for both :( it hurts me!!

Keep the obligatory, “what he did is messed up, but I really feel sorry for the guy” comments to yourselves. Abuse is abuse, no matter how pathetic one is.

If he does, it’s purely coincidental. He has no plan.

“Watched low rated @Morning_Joe for first time in long time. FAKE NEWS. He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no! Bad show”

Oh, and for those who theorize that Trump does this shit to distract from other awful things going on (which I don’t believe in because during his Presidency it’s all awful shit all the time)

As a Catholic from childhood, I believe the Catholic Church is a criminal organization.

So tell me how I am wrong then. Does not the Catholic Church go in to large parts of rural Africa and tell women their greatest accomplishment is birthing babies? Time Magazine did an article on that. As well as the shunning of birth control. National Geographic did an article about the Catholic Church in rural China