Carson McCrullers

In the 90s? Definitely. But USC has come a long way in the last 10-15 years, legacy-admits and certain fraternities aside. If you’re looking for the Pac-12's current douchebag factory, I’d direct you to ASU. 

Such a good point! After all, Scientology doesn’t go straight to the Xenu/thetans craziness, they lure you in with personality tests & improv classes.

This is why we can’t have nice things :(

I can definitely see how Trump’s brand positioning, aggressively confrontational approach to interpersonal interactions, and ability to say whatever tf he wants & still have fans would appeal to somebody like Kanye. Their personalities aren’t so dissimilar when it comes down to it.

Thank you! I knew that had to be some frat boy google translate Latin. It also tickled me to discover that Nxivm is pronounced like “Nexium” (appropriate because this entire case gives me heartburn).

Tiny correction – Mar-A-Lago is in Palm Beach, not West Palm Beach. (just a short bridge away, but it is a completely different world, my friends)

I get what you mean – luckily (sort of?) my day job as a social media marketer gives me a pretty good eye for spon-con & affiliate links.

Man Repeller has some good features on this – they do a new one every 6 months or so, I think

Mixing Buffet with the serum foundation is such a great idea! I use both, but don’t always like how the serum foundation looks when i layer it over other stuff. Do you find that you don’t need to moisturize in the AM if you start with the Hyaluronic acid?

Also? Most pedophiles don’t stop until they’re caught. If he abused Dylan (which I believe he did), it’s *extremely* likely there are more victims who just haven’t come forward yet.

Sorry to torpedo your analogy, but uh...

Can confirm. I fly cross-country for work every couple of months, and 70% of the time I arrive at my client’s office looking like my face has time-traveled back to high school. 

HAHAHA that was my first thought upon reading this also. My next thoughts were 1. what are the odds TKAM was the last book Alec Baldwin read? (decent) and 2. what are the odds that he finished the book? (low)

This is an *especially stupid* literary comparison for Baldwin to make, considering the person who actually raped Mayella Ewell in TKAM was...her father.

This is the hardest I’ve laughed all. week. This is a perfect anecdote.

Wow, either they really don’t understand how to reach statistical significance needed for comparison or they’re planning to lead with “compared to Obama, president trump had ZERO ratings of poor [because we did not include it as an option]”

It’s also completely ridiculous because OBVIOUSLY a job like this extends into your home life all the damn time. They aren’t allowed to have any personal-life things happen during the work day, but you know they’re expected to be ready to work literally whenever during their personal time. It’s garbage.

In my experience, the people hovering behind desks are the ones instituting the no-personal-calls policy, not the ones violating it. Also policies like this are some micromanaging bullshit – if your employees need to have their phones literally confiscated in order to get their work done, then your problem isn’t

My boss is also a maladjusted asshole, but I don’t think that’s what this is.

HOW has the rising tide of sexual misconduct disclosures not hit Geraldo yet?