Carson McCrullers

I was more wondering if this had become something that women readily accepted and/or appreciated, especially when coming from a romantic partner (as opposed to "the sparkly glossed lips of a fabulous queen," as another commenter said.) Pretty sure if my dude friend referred to me as his "bitch" (perfect or otherwise)

Happy to help!

That's what I thought! Like, who would be thrilled that their boyfriend called them a bitch? Doesn't that negate "perfect?" Yeesh.

The comments on Gawker re: this tweet were...disappointing.

If only for the part where's she's riding a bike in a sequined dress, shouting "I'm Saaaandy Bullock!"

I just think girlfriend is high all. the. time. This is the sort of stuff 18-year old lit majors used to say at 2 am on a Wednesday in someone's dorm room

YES! This is where I just had to stop and do a double take. What an odd (and creepy sounding) choice of words.

Bingo. I was hoping he'd try to come up with something that sounded reasonable, but your reasons make the most sense.

He ordered a pre-emptive strike and crossed his fingers. Oops.

Loads of rationale like?

Yup, because the President of the United States totally needs Jenna Jameson's help to beat Mitt Romney. You've uncovered his dastardly scheme.

Ahh, so it is!

What do those horrible rubber bracelets from Chick-fil-A say? It just looks like nonsense letters!

Oh my god, Chad le Clos. I died.

YOU CAN'T TELL THEM WHAT TO BELIEVE! Just like a liberal, trying to take God out of America and convert our children to homosexuality! (Please tell me the sarcasm is coming through)

I was just scrolling through to see if anyone had corrected this already before I got to it. Well played.

But the Palins are always the victims! Everyone's persecuting them for their beliefs!

Not sure what else we shuld expect from the guy who said homosexuality is "intrinsically promiscuous" and AIDS is what God came up with to punish teh gays. Go away, Jan. []

I read this as "I sniff my boyfriend's crack like cocaine."

I forget exactly which Seinfeld episode it's from, but I am obsessed with it