Still Chris Mullin and Tim Hardaway.
Still Chris Mullin and Tim Hardaway.
“Adrian Peterson has been demoted from Saint to Cardinal.”
If you’re honestly associating anything the guys on Pardon My Take do with anything else that happens at Barstool, you’re clearly ignorant to the subject.
If Archhie had given up any more runs, it would’ve made his manager look like a real jughead.
I love PFTCommenter an unhealthy amount, but referring to Big Cat as just a sidekick seems like a petty attack for no reason, especially since Pardon My Take is far and away the best part of Barstool and the best sports podcast IMO
For those of you who haven’t read “Where Men Win Glory,” it is an absolute must.
Spoilers, she was flirting but it was for a bigger tip, happens in every goddamn bar in america.
Hopefully that fire doesn’t get out of hand. I don’t know how he’d be able to explain the damage to his wives.
Coaches were at a loss to explain whose fault the play was, since the players are all nice boys from good families.
According to Berhe, Wright paid the $632.08 fare and a $300 tip. Maybe just rent a car next time?
“Former tight end” is just rubbing it in.
This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.
“Look, goddammit, don’t even start with me about this! I feel sorry for the guy, okay? He’s my brother, and I’ll support him any way I can, even if the boredom eventually gets so bad, I actually get nauseous. Jesus, I hate this fucking weekend...every year with this shit....”—Reggie
Cowboys AND Indians? Pick a side, bro.
We need a separation between Church and Golden State
Greg Oden is the mascot in Toronto now? Since when?
I was always told not to feed dogs people food.
MILWAUKEE-Asked restaurant host: “God, did you hear about Peter King?”
Host: “No.”
Me: “Died. from righteous indignation.”
Thought he would cry