
Except that you totally shamed and blamed and (attempted) to destroy an innocent and peaceful man on a humongous worldwide platform; opened me personally up to vile criticism as well; and hurt a lot of people who really care about this work. (MEN AND women.)

Thanks for your contribution, Chris. It does help.

using International’s teachings are we? like titanic... cringe will never let go.

You rock !!!

oh just stop being such a jealous twat. you wish you had 600 you could spend.

so beautifully said!! So grateful for your bravery especially being a mom. Your a rockstar momma bear... and what your doing is so inspiring. Where do you learn about protection? no where but SSM! “ fight fire with fire” hells yah nobody f* with momma bear and her cubs!

Did you really just say “being real with ourselves”? If nobody cares why would you bother to write such a scathing piece and fuck with people’s lives. I hope you can live with yourself.

Hell yeah!!

Why are so many of the responses that are in support of Superstar Machine still pending? Some pending since the 11th. Why isn't anything being done about this?

Right on the money, Super Hottie Hannah. It is sad indeed about G.

No Cringe’ie-poo. Super Hottie Hannah isn’t saying that valley girl talk is hotness and attraction. Oh there you go again, Cringe. Being so silly. Your too adorable though. Can’t get mad at ya!

Yeah someone get Cringe a carrot stat!

Huh? Frog? What are you talking about? Hard to make out the words through the hate. Luv ya Cringe! xoxo

As said in another response, International also works with men and people outside of the SSM age range. And attraction is beyond skin deep, the weight of a woman or person doesn’t affect their attraction level. Y’all are gettin schooled ;)

This is hilarious coming from you. Great to see you again Cringe’y ;)

No shame here, homegirl :)

I take that as a compliment. International is an incredible writer. And he uses his gift for telling stories to help people tell amazing stories with their lives. Wonder why that didn’t make this slanderous article. Hmmm...

well, we’ve been replaced in the headline by an article about how Drake shaved his beard off.

Anika! This feels like an amazing testament to your experience. How refreshing after hearing all this sensationalist voyeuristic garbage from 99% of the commenters.

I’m guessing this is G. If so, I’m sad to see you so venomous. I really liked connecting with you in the SSM days.