
Sure Princess Anna can join, but no carrots in the butt; only in her computer to shut it down so she can’t type anymore!

If you became a doctor, I would see you, you’d make such an amazing one! Of course my eyesight is 20/20 :-)

JiminyJillickers is one of those dudes who sits on the internet trolling because he can’t get a girl IRL. If you don’t have a greasy combover on your actual head, you got one on your soul!

ha ha Farse you’re so great

Anika, you are brave and thank you!

wow ALSO dissing 12 steps? You must have such a small life. But then again you’re named “Cringe.”

I feel like you would make a great writer Cringe if you would apply those hateful skillz of yours to something productive and powerful. Sounds like you might need a carrot to relax you?

I have been reduced to a carrot!

Now hold on a minute....please stop spreading slander about carrots.

Shouting! Carrots REPRESENT.