Sigh. Again, is there not plenty of real shit to be outraged about right now? Holding hands in public is the infraction? I don’t get this at all.
Sigh. Again, is there not plenty of real shit to be outraged about right now? Holding hands in public is the infraction? I don’t get this at all.
Yeah, this whole thing is kinda weird considering that they just happened to be vaguely in each other’s vicinity.
Oof, that post feels very “maybe you shouldn’t have dressed like this, maybe he wouldn’t have attacked you” type of deal.
Issue here is with the press, so, you guys. Not her. Not her fault you can’t keep momentum because y’all lost integrity long ago. It’s on you guys to cover the right thing.
You blame her for making…
Totally agree. I thought this article was an absolute disgrace.
It’s gonna be real weird for all my friends who have ever put their arms around me to learn that we are now in a relationship that we have publicly debuted.
I’ve seen a lot of mean-spirited snark on this site toward Cara D from multiple bloggers, and I don’t understand it. Is there something about her I should know? Or is she just the new Anne Hathaway, who it’s apparently okay to hate on for no discernible reason?
Why should Kaia and Cara not act like a normal couple at a protest? Do you want them to go into the closet?
Do not hide your homophobia behind a concern for the BLM movement. This article is gross. Gay couples holding hands is not an announcement. It’s what couples do, and since I don’t see you taking offense to straight couples holding hands you and your homophobia can fuck off.
Must have missed the red carpet they walked as they “debuted” their relationship. Spare me.
Pretty sure she is just being normal and holding hands with her friend people need to calm down
Lately, I’ve just not been giving any F’s to difficulty settings. I just set them to Easy, so I can actually enjoy the game without getting hung up on dying. If a game ends up being entertaining enough, then I’ll usually make a second run with the difficulty turned up. With the scope and attention that these kinds of…
So this is not very Dark Souls-like? Because I really don’t care for the genre, and I’ll take almost anything else this could be over it. While I’d like some challenge in open world (Like the recent Tomb Raider games), I’m very okay with a game that isn’t too hard. AC: Origins had constant stories and the world…
“Another open world game” has been my problem this generation. With more and more games coming out all the time, it’s become more of a problem picking out what games to play and when. This generation has been rife with open worlds and live games that are only getting bigger and demanding more and more of our time.
I feel like gamers just have too many options nowadays. There’s a lot of bits of specific language in this review - checking your phone while watching the pre-duel cutscene, audibly sighing when cresting a hill and seeing more things to do, “The layer of Japanese aesthetics barely hides the fact that the world is just…
I did get the impression in the review, though, that the game is not aware of this. There’s probably a game to be made about a samurai who think he’s a good guy while all of the subtext is clear for the player that he’s just an agent of repression, but it seriously sounds like this is not that game.
First off, the concept of the ‘Enlightenment’ is an incredibly Eurocentric concept that has no bearing on Japanese lifestyles. Also, the ‘Enlightenment’ is more or less a historical myth used to propagate European superiority cultivated in the late 1800's and early 1900's as a justification for Imperialism.
Lol—came in to write the same. I’d hazard to say that many serfs, growing up in the same culture, wouldn’t feel resentment either.
Don’t base your opinion of this review.
Jin is the head of his clan, an aristocratic warrior who never wanted for anything in his life. Why is he so eager to squeeze every last resource from the people he’s supposed to be protecting? Life was hard before the Mongols arrived, and now villages and farms are burning. Those supplies would be much more…
Sounds a little bit disappointing, tbh. When it was first announced, I was looking for/hoping for some sort of cool wandering samurai game where you get into intense blood feuds that culminate in amazing duels.