I just did a double take on a Stanley/Target ad featuring Adele.
I just did a double take on a Stanley/Target ad featuring Adele.
I pulled this off ABC’s coverage. It’s partially a copout, but he isn’t incorrect about the need for continued services being made available to women and families (although the “drug addiction” feels like he is making either a race or class slight).
It’s so odd to me that the Party that favors leaving things to the States needs the government to ban things. So odd.
I didn’t watch the debate, so I’m only going by the quote above from DeSantis when I say it sure seems like he just yesterday learned the word referenda.
If you still believe in the mythological “2023 moderate Republican” then I’d maybe be careful throwing around words like “clownishly.”
I love pineapple burgers, but I love pineapple pizza as well, so there’s that.
Yes, it’s your list, but I’d argue that lettuce choice is important. Romaine gets warm and soggy too fast. Iceburg is the best on a burger, IMO, as it stays crunchy longer.
I had masculinizing top surgery with Kathy Rumer in 2108 and had a terrible experience. She largely ignored my concerns while I was in excruciating pain for a week, and promised to prescribe meds that she never called in. While my physical results are mostly satisfactory now, my memory of my recovery is one of having…
Excellent article, so well researched and written.
I had my GRS in the UK after being in the care of an NHS Gender Identity Clinic for about two years before I was referred for surgery. Towards the end of that “Real Life Test” I was asked which surgeon I would prefer to be referred to — but was told to “go away and do some research” before I made up my mind. Having…
I immediately saw PA and thought about Gosnell, too. I remember reading the entire murder indictment from a Jezebel post when he was arrested. It was horrific. The worst part to me wasn’t even the actual medical butchery, negligence, and outright malpractice he called “abortion care”, but the YEARS of dedicated…
That’s not how socialised medicine works... I’m Australian and you can absolutely choose your surgeon and other medical practitioners under our Medicare system.
You’re not kidding about having a reputation. When I type “kathy rumer” into the Chrome search bar, it auto-fills “Kathy Rumer, D.O.” with the added contextual information “Butcher shop | Ardmore, PA.”
I went to Kathy Rumer and had an awful experience.
Commenting to plug RAD Remedy (www.radremedy.org) - it’s a database of trans/queer/LGBTQ+ providers where you can upload good and bad reviews.
“The Referral Aggregator Database (RAD) is a nationally-collaborative referral network identifying care providers who serve trans, gender non-conforming, intersex, and queer…
I’m not familiar with Rumer, being geographically distant from her area of operations and also mostly post-transition at this point, but this reminds me a bit of the Kermit Gosnell story, or of those women who do unter-the-table silicone injections that often have terrible complications. Obviously, there are notable…
To say Kathy Rumer has a “reputation” in trans circles would be a bit of an understatement. Like, even the best surgeons will have some complications, mediocre results, disgruntled patients, or whatever else on their track record. But Rumer has more than the rest of the well known surgeons combined, and never in a…
Fine and dandy like sour candy!