
Just because it worked out well for you (mazel!), doesn’t mean that men aren’t predatory with regards to much younger women, especially when it’s a pattern of consistently not dating women their own age. There’s a reason those women aren’t interested. 

It’s totally about making women uncomfortable because they can. The men in those situations knew that I was in a tenuous position—that I couldn’t react badly because I was at work and they could complain to the bosses. You get good at laughing them off or defusing the situation, but it kills you a little bit every

One time I was in NYC and I saw this dude.

Raise your hand if you remember being in this exact situation at one point or another with an older guy, and didn’t know how to communicate your lack of interest because youre EIGHTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD. 

I’m also pretty sure he hasn’t provided any actual “evidence” that doesn’t equally point to him being a creepy older dude trying to get with Natalie Portman when she was 18. 

If he would just take is L and shut up, nobody would give a shit about this in a day.

I believe the writer included it because people roll out the death threats thing to deflect criticism.

There’s no ‘he said, she said’ about her age. She was 18 (probably, maybe even 17 since her birthday is in June) when they met. That’s verifiable fact.

This has turned into a Moby’s strip* of embarrassment shame, and neediness.

I used to try to give advice to incels on Reddit. In this case, these were guys who were seeking advice on an anti-incel forum, so they had a genuine desire to improve their lives.

I think there’s probably a lot more traction in preventing men and boys from falling into that culture in the first place, and that does require active engagement from other men/fathers/etc. I have three sons, and one of my nightmares is waking up and realizing one of them has fallen into some toxic internet

I don’t disagree!

I don’t like Lana but she definitely let him know, as someone with a lot less power than him at the time, that she wasn’t falling for his bullshit.

Not to mention Trent Reznor and Eddie Vedder who now seem like the dads who bring the best food to the PTA potluck.

Billy Corgan, though.....drowned in bitterness at 26 and never swam out of it.

“Total exoneration, at this time of year, at this latitude, localized entirely within the Mueller report”

Political beliefs aside, how anyone can listen to Trump whine non stop like a total fucking baby, while simultaneously sounding like a complete idiot of the highest caliber, and walk away thinking “Man, he’s so strong and inspiring” is something that is utterly beyond comprehension.


is it deceit or incompetence?

And we will be told over and over he’s just joking until it happens. 
