
And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”

Correct. This was not a debate.

RE the top video clip: I get particularly annoyed when someone who clearly does not understand the science attempts an appeal to science.

My favorite bit was when he complains that Neil won’t answer any of his questions. HE’S THE INTERVIEWER SIR. YOU’RE THE INTERVIEWEE. THIS IS HOW INTERVIEWS WORK.

Favorite bit? When he claims the interviewer is doing this interview to make money... on the BBC. In one stupid moment he shows his level of ignorance about how the BBC works, and how feeble his mind is when it comes to being confronted by his incredibly long record of making racist and hateful comments.

‘Ben Shapiro WRECKS clip-on mic and leaves

It’s also a good example of how low the bar is to be considered a right wing intellectual. He’s practiced a few solid rhetorical tricks and based on that he’s one of the best they’ve got. Like how Paul Ryan was a policy wonk because he occasionally used numbers when he spoke.

Ben Shapiro is a shining example of exactly how Trump was elected.

And to think that he’s some kind of polemical heavyweight is embarrassing beyond belief. How do these assholes not realize they are collectively a national humiliation?

This dude has all the confidence of the average freshman member of a College Republican chapter—which means he feels little need to prep, as he just “knows” the things he needs to know prior to entering a debate forum, and will be able to crush his opponent ‘neath the weight of his logic and incontrovertible facts.


Oh hey guys it’s cool, I didn’t answer his question because I thought he was from the left and not because I have no clue WTF I’m talking about and see any challenge to asinine policy as antagonism for my beLIEfs

“If walked off because I thought he disagreed with my opinions. My bad folks.”

Lol, seeing Mr. “DEBATE ME YOU COWARD” turn tail and run in the face of moderate pushback from a calm interviewer is priceless.

They do it both because they lack even basic creativity and and because using those terms disingenuously can work to delegitimize them. It’s like how they whine and bitch and complain that the term “racism” has become meaningless, then they work to make it so by ridiculously misusing it.

Over the past couple years, I’ve seen the alt-right bastardize certain catchphrases or ideas, that the left has been championing long-term, in SUCH a disingenuous way. Examples coming to mind are (just this week!): “white men getting ahead despite obvious lack of talent”, above; Trump deserving “reparations” for

I’m fully aware I’m likely replying to a troll, but I think this bears a bit of clarification: Every. Single. Time. that FOX or a similar outlet issues a call for “civility,” it either immediately follows or precedes actions or words that are decidedly uncivil toward their opponents.

That’s what makes it such a

MCCAIN: What would make you happy coming out of my mouth right now? I’m genuinely curious.

There will always be a huge disconnect between calls for “civility” and the words and actions of the people making those calls.

This is because—at least in our present moment—“civility” is just code for, “Don’t call us out on our shit. We find it embarrassing and inconvenient, and lack the rhetorical chops/intellectual

Did McCain bring up Trump and anti-Semitism?