What the fuck Hamburger?

Oh dear. This is so absurd and stupid and delightful that I laughed and then started crying. Now I feel like I need to talk to a preofessional.

I think he sprained a scarf.

That was the only thing about yesterday that wasn’t a complete garbage fire.

“Rep. Steve Scalise, who was nearly killed in a horrific shooting at a congressional baseball practice in June, has somehow found that being shot in the hip with a semi-automatic rifle “fortified” his views on the Second Amendment—and after at least 59 people were killed and over 500 injured by a semi-automatic rifle

And nothing about timing made her throw in the bullshit framing of:

We’ve informally reached out to a few people who work in TV news who confirm there isn’t a specific hard break until the end of the hour. This break occurred during the show’s first half.

ehhhh i was talking about TV show, 45 is a pile of stinky orange poop, do not compare, thanks,.

Now playing

And an awful day gets worse.

I loved his music, and I loved his attitude. See the“Runnin Down a Dream” doc if you haven’t already - it’s a wonderful mining of his and his band’s work.

And you can’t forget his work with Stevie....

“I have a granddaughter now I’d like to see as much as I can. I don’t want to spend my life on the road.” Jesus, that is heartbreaking. RIP Mr. Petty.

Now playing

a true fact is that American Girl is one of the best songs ever written, I’m going to listen to it and cry now

I know. What’s next? A CMT remake of 9 to 5 starring Blake Lively, Jessica Biel and Carrie Underwood?

I’m thinking I want to read a lot of Stephen King again because I read them waayy too early as an 11-12 year old without a lot of adult supervision.

I. Am. Livid.

Jeeeeeezzz Louise. I want that in my mouth.

The name Gunner is bad. While I can’t hate on Speidi for having the baby today (babies gonna arrive when babies gonna arrive) the release of that name this morning takes my opinion from merely “bad” to “very distasteful.”

Oh, I disagree. The Army (the Seabees) and the Navy (the USS Comfort) should have been dispatched immediately to take care of infrastructure damage from the hurricane. Aid could then have been brought in, if necessary, that was sponsored by private groups. But it’s of little use if the Federal Government doesn’t do

Ikr? Since when does being called a racist become equivalent to racist slurs? Up is down; down is up.

If we must suffer a remake, I would happily watch Lupita, but please, not Kristen. Her wooden acting is so painful to sit through. And I can already imagine her sullen pouting at photo calls for an extended Charlie’s Angels press tour.


I look like imma bout to fall over. The entire top is boobs and then pants from the boobs down. It’s....precarious.