(Pardon the double-post; didn’t know if SNS was coming)
(Pardon the double-post; didn’t know if SNS was coming)
I *have* to look presentable by Monday so that’s my solution this time, but in anticipation of my probable fuck-up I’m looking for future options.
Thank you for omitting Heidi’s 2016 costume. It was not up to snuff.
Was he a mess? I remember thinking his real problem was probably substance abuse & that’s why he bailed.
I liked the observation from the New Yorker Tillerson piece that only generals and Boy Scouts are left around Trump.
I didn’t realize Ijeoma’s “sister” post literally meant sister. Thx!
Totally, but it’s not LW’s job to do.
“Why is it so hard to talk about?” Because we have to be strong no matter what. Because we cannot ever allow a biological fact to get between us and success, lest we be perceived as weak. Because the simple fact of a miscarriage or unsuccessful pregnancy makes us feel like inadequate failures. Because when we want a…
At least he both Talks the Talk and Limps the Walk.
Wait, what’s happening to SpikeTV? I am physically addicted to Bar Rescue.
I once found out my pregnancy was not viable the day that Kim K & the local zoo announced pregnancies. “Oh, so every elephant and goddam Kardashian gets to be pregnant but not me.” I wouldn’t say I was triggered but I was v salty.
Apropos of nothing, I miss the fake Mooch twitter account
Has anyone read the short story the movie was based on? No stalking, no career lady, just a girl who gets blown off by married man. The backstory of how it became what it did is fascinating.
Univision, buy these nice folks some bookshelves.
Random FWIW: Exene is an absolute doll of a human being. Just so, so nice.
Advice given by someone who’s been there w/a newborn.
Read. The. Nameplate.
She’s not too old, she’s too dull. Burning Man is for those who think they are interesting and at least attempt to back it up. And those of us who don’t care don’t have to go (Hooray!).