What the fuck Hamburger?

i don’t, actually! i just googled ‘sebastian stan sad’. this is where herroyalredness’ expertise comes in...

Do you know what this is from? I need to see whatever it is that is making that beautiful man cry.

Yeah, NBC has had a rocky decade with its shows. For every this is us or the office, they have 4 or five other shows that tank. And the ones that do succeed tend to flame out after a few years. They basically subsist on SVU and whatever shiny new toy that gets cancelled after year 2. The idea that they would risk

Interestingly, the whole cast of Will & Grace was back on Today this morning but in the earlier hour with Savannah and Matt - same with Jane Fonda. Wonder if their publicists insisted they get another chance - I can’t imagine the audience for the different hours is so vast that it’s worth having them on two days in a

According to something else I read, Messing was mainly responding to the fact that Kelly asked an audience member ‘jokingly’ if watching Will and Grace had “made him gay.” Messing did not respond well- as she and they shouldn’t have. If the network gave her a problem about that they should be ashamed.

Considering Debra is a star on one of NBC’s most highly rated and beloved sitcoms, which they are rebooting with great fanfare, and Megyn Kelly is basically 0-2 on NBC, and will soon be known as “omg I totally forgot Megyn Kelly had a talk show for a couple months in 2017", I kinda doubt that anyone at NBC said

is HerRoyalRedness ok? her boy sebastian’s taking a little heat...hope she’s coping. we love you, bb.

It’s really a fucking shame Rob and Chyna have a kid. They seem more messed up than the other Kardashians and that’s saying A LOT.

Further points against Cameron include the unnecessary scare quotes that indicate that women directing action franchises in Hollywood is not out of the ordinary. Is Cameron thinking of his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow, a woman who has directed many an action-oriented film, but not an action franchise?

Oh Tim, you are not a victim, and it’s a little sad that you will never understand that. Where’s Wilson when you need him?

A fucking pink dog. I just... I really hate people.

When you are purposely trying to get pregnant, seeing other folks get pregnant without trying fucks with your head. Because purposely getting pregnant can take some work. You take fertility tests everyday to see when the optimal time to fuck is, you have to purposely reduce your anxiety levels and that just reminds

Being white definitely hurt her and kept from doing what she wanted, but not in the way that idiot thinks. Her white arrogance got all up in the way to hurt her and keep from doing what she wanted and she still hasn’t learned.

A decade of work with people who knew what they were talking about telling her that she really wasn’t good enough to do what she was trying to do...not that she was too white to do it, but that she didn’t have the talent and needed to shift focus a little. And still she made it on the charts and still she got paid.

...and she was still bad at it. That’s what you seem to be missing.

All through this article producers and directors are trying to get her to go pop instead of hip-hop, and when she finally does try to do hip-hop everyone holds it against her that she is white.

Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.

“Yeah my dads instagram is robphuckedme”