What the fuck Hamburger?

Whatever he did, she will never fergieve nor fergiet.

They’re usually so so terrible. I used to work for Continental back before they merged with United and those were the cheapest, most uncomfortable, cheesy uniforms ever. Delta and Virgin always look absolutely amazing. I’m lucky that I’m corporate now and the company I work for just wants us in navy or black suits or

I have a burning question. I waste time at work on Jezebel. But how does Jezebel waste time at work?

Hey now, they’ve got TWO Christmas trees.

These “parents” happily planned, filmed, edited and uploaded these awful videos. In other words, they spent a lot of time viewing painful footage of their children suffering.

A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.

Do those two look like people whose lives would not be forever changed by a short custodial sentence? Thirty days in jail and neither of them would ever step a toe out of line for the rest of their lives. Five years of probation seems like a long time, but sometimes a short sharp lesson followed by five years of

I’m forwarding that to him. Thank you. ALL THE STARS!

It turns out she wasn’t bragging that they didn’t take a government plane for their honeymoon, but complaining.

The name for that color is staring us right in the face:

In every story about Hope Hicks, it is important to note that Cory Lewandowski has been (allegedly!) schtupping her on the side, more or less openly, thereby publicly humiliating his wife — a 9/11 widow whom he married and with whom he bought an expensive home with the insurance money, and with whom he has four kids —

‘did i really hurt you that bad that you don’t even want to be my friend?’

Years ago this controlling jerk dumped me...I was devastated...a couple years later, one of those I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED!! — moments happened: I was looking fabulous, outside having lunch on a sunny day with my best friend...I had just bought my own condo, had an awesome new job...and who walks by but

I’m not. He’s always been a garbage person. His disgusting behavior far predates 9/11 and most certainly his signing onto the birther bullshit.

I’ve met him a couple times and a friend has, too. He’s super normal and friendly (and smells nice).

who cares, id do it in a heartbeat!!

Hammer can get a little savage on twitter. This comes across my dash every time Trump endorses racist shit.

james woods getting trashed