What the fuck Hamburger?

I wouldn’t want you to exploit your father, but I have to admit I’d pay money - and I mean, big money - to see that.

My dad (Age 75 now, then 65) did not know who Britney Spears was before this video, but because of the media saturation after the video, one of the things he likes to say while drunk to make himself laugh is “Leave Britney alone.”

Way to be a complete arsehole.

My friend just moved back to Canada  from Florida after a decade. He talked a bit about the food desert issue and said there’s almost no options for a healthy diet. It was a bit of a shock to his son being exposed to all of the food options here in Vancouver.

Free will should not be hyphenated in any of the instances you used it.


I don’t know who elevated this piece of trash, but I’m flagging it.

Poor nutrition. Lack of education. Various bodily disorders. But it’s pretty disgusting that you’d leap to complain about an evacuated woman’s appearance.

Uhhhhh...why’d you ungrey the troll? You got to starve those ugly fuckers...

I’m still nursing my disappointment that Amy Adams isn’t playing TH. She’s a hella good actor and dude, google-image the two names and whoa, twinsies:

Friendly reminder that Sebastian Stan is playing Jeff Gillooly in the Tonya Harding movie!

This a thousand times. Sammiches will NOT absolve them of the ratings mess they have made with Kelly. She sucks, he sucks, just STOP the madness and give Joy her own M-F show for fucks sake. That is the solution.

In some jurisdictions lawsuits filed by wealthy individuals or businesses to shut up their critics can be considered SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation). Anti-SLAPP laws can allow the defendant to turn the tables on whoever brought the suit and end being awarded damages and legal expenses. It

If there’s one silver lining to this Trump presidency, it’s watching Paul Ryan having to eat shit.

Yeah, I had the same thought. “I wanted to see if Anthony was still up to the same antics” doesn’t sound like a ‘frail’ teenage girl with self-esteem issues, and sounds a lot like a teen who was talked into IMing Weiner by someone else to see if he’d take the bait. That or she’s a hardcore Republican teen and wanted

She is going to get so much hate. I would not have come forward if I were her.

Ima give you a star and say nothing else.

“They all had a power that made them special and hers was screwing her friends.”

I am super glad they aren’t featuring it in the film, as I don’t feel it’s necessary but I gotta confess to something: I was 12 when I first read IT and that scene didn’t bother me as much then as it does now. When I was 12, I shrugged and I was like ‘yeah, ok that makes sense if you think virginity is magic.’

Eeesh. I had my second 6 weeks ago via c-section and my abdomen hasn’t bothered me in probably 4-5 weeks. Are you healing ok?