What the fuck Hamburger?

My mom had always wanted to attend BM. She finally dragged our entire family (all adult children and their partners) last year. She was 60 and had a blast. Burning Man is for every age. We camped near a “family camp” geared towards kids. They were having the times of their lives.

I’m 42 and I’m too tired to even go to a late showing of a movie, let alone Burning Man.

I would have gone at that age (OK, not THERE), but I’m a norm and would have behaved like one even had I been famous. It’s all of the way over-the-top Costumes and party-animal behavior that betray her as a camera whore. Maybe celebs just don’t know how to actually enjoy themselves.

not enough bags for all my barfs

Klicks and komplaints.

It’s funny to watch Hilton oblviously display the reason why festivals have died on the inside.

Circle Jerk

I’m Just Here So I Won’t Get Fined

Re: “celebrities are damned if they do and damned if they don’t,” the thing about this column is that it’s explicitly about what celebrities do, and what Jessica Chastain did was thoughtlessly give more credibility to the term “alt-left” via a tweet to her 575,000 followers (many of whom called her out of them), only

That is insane.

I have a friend at work who used to be a beer snob until he stopped drinking. Now he’s a food snob who posts pictures of his tiny, over-priced portions of restaurant food on Instagram. One of his hashtags is #influencer & I roll my eyes so hard but at least he found something else to be passionate about but omg it’s

Sean, wtf are you doing? Move on already!

Yooooooo, it’s in Buddah-pest Meeennaaaa!

I hope their chemistry is better than it was in “Dracula.” I also hope this is more “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”and less typical rom-com because I’m so happy for Noni’s comeback.

Fight for 15 led to my earning enough income to donate to this march.

Gerry mandering ensures that even record turn outs from progressives won’t change much. We have been mapped out of ecistance in many places, and even in purple states like NH where turnout is very high (70%+) the recognized blue areas have been marginalized by splitting them into surrounding conservative-leaning

Well, there used to be, but after people threw eggs at The Shrub’s limousine, and after 9/11, Pennsylvania Avenue has been closed to foot traffic on that side. I don’t even know if protestors are allowed to use Lafayette Park anymore.

I’m excited to get off my ass and bitch in the streets instead of in front of a flat screen. I’m so happy I think I will do lunges the whole way.