What the fuck Hamburger?

He is very, very aware. Still sends press clippings to Graydon Carter with his fingers circled in gold sharpie, annotated “See? Not so short.”

Melania definitely didn’t. I never thought I’d see that lady crack on-camera.

I audibly sighed at that plate picture.

Are you the one who said earlier that she’s already the President of Microexpressions?

I still wish they’d knock it off with the one-day challenges, but this season is good. The contestants are a diverse group — for real, not just tokens — and it’s helped a lot.

and happy!

Ohhhhhh, she should bring a puppet and have it deliver her roast.

best thread of the day

That happened once during the primaries when Gawker was still around & I hated it.

This is the woman people keep telling me is so very smart and good at her job.


She used to be, but has been such an asshole lately. I think we’re out of good Kardashians until Angela takes the name.

Wait, how did I get so far in this comment thread without noting the cuteness of the pendant-wearing baby? That’s a good baby.

Hot Milk is pretty foul too.

I am enraged at the yoga group. Why do people want to run other women’s pregnancies?

I have the same one. It grosses me out less than the others.

*seasonally-appropriate Trump description*. Good job, crazy Steve!

is it this? “If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

Except she refused to film the apology with him...

Seriously! Look at that face. That is the face of an angry, yucky person, beautiful or no.