Here’s why I know what she was wearing:…
Here’s why I know what she was wearing:…
I saw clips on The Soup and he seemed extra, extra dumb.
I gotta disagree this time. She was talking about using IVF on tv and idiots came running on twitter. Like “God didn’t mean for you to have a child” idiots.
Aww, Chrissy’s outfit in the top photo means John Legend came to her book signing. Cute.
Same! Except with wrinkles. I looked like myself one day and the next my eyes looked like someone had pissed off a Peanuts character.
I nonironically want these, which would be crazy hideous on me:
My lone grocery store tantrum is legendary in our family. My mom eventually tried picking me up off the floor and ended up being stared at and whispered about by a boatload of old ladies. “You boca my ahhmm, you boca my ahhmm!” is still a surefire way to make me appreciate the crap out of the fact that I lived to…
Aggghhhhh, there does not appear to be a tweet beat or a dirt bag tonight, and Kanye just posted a Wreck-It Ralph clip to explain his relationship with the fashion industry.
I haven’t listened to Flood in decades and bet I still know every note.
I was just thinking that maybe it’s time for another knit dress or a water-aerobics friendly DD bathing suit, but then they caved. Grrrr.
I love folks’ kidscreennames here.
So can Star. That pissed me off.
A reporter I follow on twitter was reporting the poll results and after 3 or 4 it felt like he was doing this.
She really is turning into an asshole. I just realized last week (after the missing Rob photo on social media) that Khloe shares the personality of one of my dearest friends. So for the 1000th time I thanked glob that said friend is not famous and Twitter didn’t exist in the 90s.
Yes! Upthread people are saying it would be terrible if Colbert talked like that to a female guest but literally no woman (or girl, really) in show business would dress so casually and blandly for Colbert’s show. Not one.
Even better—I was there for work! So either Kid Magic does that every ol’ day or I lucked into something very rare.
That website is adorable.
I clicked on that People link and from there clicked on a story of a mom who dresses her kids up as Oscar contenders and puts the photos online. She called picking a kid-appropriate character and scene from Spotlight “tricky” but not a word about the two as mom and child from Room. I’m so confused.
A while ago I was walking in a businessy part of San Francisco’s Chinatown at 8am and got whooshed by a dude on a skateboard with carefully coiffed hair, a comically large paper cup of coffee, and really strong weed fumes. I was so impressed. That seemed to be a lot to already have done by 8.