What the fuck Hamburger?

Nothing useful pops up when you Image search King of Bad Ideas. Surprised and disappointed.

Happy now.

Ehh, lots of people who used to be funny lose it after being surrounded by yes-people for years. I think mad, not senile.

That is a really really good point.

Just until we figure out what’s going on.

The cologne bottle did the same for me.

This is great. I actually stopped reading and closed the tab because of the Cobain credit card story. This made coming back to finish reading worthwhile.

I did not know that, thanks! Also, how the hell did he stretch that “thought” into a whole book?

DON’T CLICK THIS Nightmare fuel Kanye scowl + photoshop

And planes do weird things to feels. I know a lot of people who have uncharacteristically wept during saddish movies on planes.

That’s what I thought too! But I just checked and only have four pairs with heels smaller than 1/2 inch.

Uneducated men are literally his only shot at votes. You’re shooting yourself in the base, Rick!

Are you old enough to remember the 90s? Hillary wrote a book with a title based on the saying “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child” and these morons are still pissed about it.

As soon as Jon hopped up to run over there you knew a gut punch was coming.

The clips crashed my browser so I don’t know how much of the segments is there, so forgive me if this is repetitive: on the show, Jon and a first responder discussed the “reasons” and dropped some monstrous truth bombs. Jon: Mitch McConnell cares about nothing but politics, because he has championed similar (and more

That’s some good gifting.

My favorite fashion bloggers always say that actresses need a story to model well. It’s a great photo but I really, really can’t tell that it’s Winona Ryder.

AHHHHH, that’s exactly what it is yuck yuck yuck