I'm so happy to have alternately delighted or disgusted all of you, btw
I'm so happy to have alternately delighted or disgusted all of you, btw
So, gross story: My belly button is very deep and narrow, and I can't physically get all the way in there to clean it without hurting myself, so I just do a surface clean and try to leave it alone for the most part. However when I was pregnant it started turn slightly inside out, and one day I was absent mindedly…
I haven't seen Downton Abby, so I always think of Joanne Froggatt as her character on the first season of Bad Girls (victim of prison violence by inmates, abused by a guard, drug addicted and desperate to see her daughter). So it's weirder for me to see her looking clean and put together than it is to see her dressed…
My husband didn't care that I proposed, because it was more of a discussion that I brought up, and ended by telling him I was going to start planning, rather than some elaborate shenanigans. It was my girlfriends who were disappointed, and the implication was that *I* wasn't woman enough to get proposed to, or to…
Yeah, my doctor can be a dismissive jerk sometimes, but theres not much I can do about it, In my area waitlists for a new doctor are excessively long. The thing is I am trying to conceive, I was just short of the 1 year mark. I was even charting my "cycles" (if you can still call them that, they aren't cyclical)with a…
I'm actually trying to get a diagnosis for PCOS symptoms as well. The last time I talked to him he said I probably do have it, but he wouldn't refer me to a specialist until I'd been trying to conceive for a year, which I was 3 months shy of. We'll see how it goes this Tuesday. I don't know how diagnosis goes if…
Acrylics? I've had some success storing extra in small tupperware containers for a week or two.
When my ex-boyfriend did his first peace keeping tour, a major part of his job was inspecting vehicles for bombs, some of which he said were exclusively designed to blow a man's genitals off. So there's another bomb related job that would be good for an all sex offender unit to be assigned.
I still listen to Michael Jackson, so obviously in my opinion you can keep your Elmos. As a matter of fact, my littlest nephew is getting an Elmo toy from me this very Christmas, which I purchased after the first report came out.
If you ever met a donkey, you wouldn't mind so much. They're very nice, and they enjoy getting their ears scratched and eating dandelions and gingersnaps.
In my mind, kind of, yes that could point to possible manic pixie leanings. The high heels while baking tips the scale in my sister's case, as would a 50's style apron (also a great gift idea!)
I suppose my sister is, on a certain level, That Girl. The vintage obsession, the mastery of baking while remaining unable to cook, the wearing of heels while said baking is undergone, etc. When I helped her pack up her apartment I discovered box upon box of unopened tampons. She would just buy a new box every time…
I've never had a problem just cutting people off, so I think you should drop contact, stop asking about these two and be relieved that you don't have to deal with them making you feel crappy anymore. Make as many plans as you can for that weekend so that if they contact you last minute you will have a genuine excuse…
Even if a time came when human ovum were harvested without consent, poor women would not specifically be targeted. Prime "donors" would be physically fit, have access to good nutrition, access to doctors, good family medical histories, and high academic scores.
only incredibly stupid babies don't figure out how to push chairs around and climb to get whatever cool stuff you put in high places.
The "girl version" spiderman costume sucks, by the way. It's "SpiderGirl" which is not a full bodysuit, but a miniskirt, not even with tights, and has no muscles, and only a little eye-mask. A solid pink spiderman costume does exist, but apparently only in men's sizes. So not helpful if your daughter, like mine,…
So, it turns out that when some people offer you "hand me downs" they don't mean real clothing, they mean a giant sack of disney princess costumes, and a crap load of 3rd gen my little ponies. Also, it is a bad idea to show these things to your 3 year old right before bed. System overload.
I'm starting to think Chris Brown is getting shitty tats to punish himself. Like on a subconscious level he does know he's done some monstrous, unforgivable things, even though he continues to behave unrepentant, entitled and without self control.
I try really hard to stick with kitten heels. I put gel inserts under the balls of my feet, and the clear type of medical tape at the spots that rub, because I'm prone to blisters. I only wear heels once or twice a year though.
About 8 years ago I moved in with my now husband in a shared house our friend had inherited. During a house party, our roomate/landlord wandered in and exclaimed "I'm covered in blood!", he was indeed, so we asked him who's blood it was, and he had no idea. As it turned out, he had borrowed, and crashed a dirt-bike.…