
Can we stop with the F'ing Godzilla references? It's not funny; it's not cute; it's not appropriate. It's good to see this to put life in perspective, but do all the writers have to pretend it's like a movie. It just cheapens the writing and lessens the impact that 10s of thousands of people are probably dead due

@n9n3: Yes, and our record at launching rockets lately without them blowing up isn't too great. Let's see, a couple of tons of nuclear waste dispersed in the trade winds... sounds like a good time.

@The Project: Canadian Giz: Not quite true. Anything under 6 inches on the farm I'll use an axe (except for locust). Anything over, I'll use a chainsaw. That being said - this axe is just plain f'ing ridiculous. Will damn hipsters stop getting into useful stuff, jacking up the price, so they can jack off looking

Interesting point twilight-arc — though that's pretty damn depressing if that's the case. I think it's more of a point that people of a certain generation grew up on Aliens, and Star Trek, etc... and see the romantic side of it and not the reality that you'd be living in a f'ing cave, and not have the chance to see a

@twilight-arc: Yes, but most of the geeks here are used to it as it's just like the basement in their parents’ house... But seriously, WTF is up with the desire to want to move to some barren place in space where most people would probably commit suicide in 6 months. Ask the Chilean miners – living in a cave isn’t

@saltboy: I was there in the mid 90's - so not sure when the policy changed - but we didn't fix the ratchets, but just threw them into the bin under the counter. I wonder if that was just a store policy (not to try to fix them), or if Sears changed the policy at some point before I started. The most returns were the

@Charliehorse: This is a very good point. I was tightening the manifold bolts on my car once after rebuilding the engine and the 3 inch ratchet extension busted (from a 1/2 inch set), causing my hand to slip down onto the busted sharp point. It caught and tore a gash in the palm of my hand that went right up to the

@saltboy: Interesting. At the Sears where I worked in the tools department (an awesome job just to be around other toolheads) - our policy was to pretty much replace anything and everything that was a hand tool. If we could make out Craftsman on the handle, we'd replace it.

@JewJitsu_: Here here.... I'm so bored of sitting behind a desk, but it's the best way to pay the bills right now. I figure once the apocolypse occurs, I'll get out from behind a desk.

If you want to go green, get a hard drive that will last longer than 5 years before clicking to death. I'd much rather get a pro grade drive at a higher price and know that it will last for 10+ years. Less landfill crap. Less data loss and probably better energy usage as well.

@genis1: thanks for the link. Must be nice to be able to hire more people in one year than are in my entire company. I certainly wouldn't mind giving up this cold New York winter for some California climate.

@phlavor: I know what you mean about getting too close. One of the coolest things about seeing paintings in person is being able to get close enough to see how an artist has blended colors - either on the palette or on the canvas itself; or to be able to see the details of a print by someone like Durer. Most

@jibbly: Oh - I absolutely understand. I wish I'd gotten in years ago before they went public. Shoulda - coulda - woulda... :)

Nothing compares to seeing these artworks in person. That being said, this really is a marvelous project and the excellent thing is that as camera's get better resolution, they can always take new pictures to provide a more accurate color rendition, or additional detail, or 3D - whatever.

Interesting that NewsRob wan't on the list or in any of the comments. It's got quite a responsive developer and it allows the downloading of text and images for offline use. You can also mark items in Google Reader as NR and only those items will get synched so you can pinpoint exactly what you want to download, and

@brobot: Exactly, so now if I want to buy a VW TDI, I need to get a used one, as there's not a chance that I'm going to buy one of the new ugly ones. Even the new Audi's aren't as slick as they used to be. I don't think it's aerodynamics that's pressuring the cars to lose the edge and look more and more like

@Mr Quacker: I agree but if these car makers would actually make the jump and produce these cars in real numbers they might just find they sell a crap load of them. I'm tired of these concepts that are so damn cool never seeing the light of day. Instead we just see the same crappy Accord knockoffs each year. Hell,

@shazaam42: Exactly. Ties that are tied too short remind me of 1930's sweaty frumpy guys.

@aclezotte: Hmmm. I think you're right that I was indeed referring to the four-in-hand that everyone uses. This is the knot that I use ([] - is this what you were referring to as the half-windsor? This does take up quite a bit of the tail, so it may not tuck into the label, but I find it looks sharp

@Voltswagon: True - many of the pages I frequent are aggregates...