
Yeah, “texting while driving” is an actual crime.

To cover up his tracks, the 28-year-old told investigators he had been looking at texts sent by colleagues”

In his defense, he likely saw something coming....

Pretty sure my whole midwestern family uses soda but had friends that said pop. If they are over 70, it becomes sodie.

Stiff competition for the wiener mobile.

Who’s got 2 nuts and 6 wheels?

If I was given that first photo of the thing and forced to pick an adjective, I think I would pick “veiny” rather than “legendary.”

Came to the comments to make sure someone has mentioned this. I’m from the midwest so we consider the great outdoors to be our second garage (or third, if you’re fancy and have a garage fridge) during the winter months. Carbonated beverages are one of the exceptions to this otherwise cheap and easy hack, and I learned

Finally, I’ll be able to cross “poop at the speed of sound” off my bucket list!

This also perfectly emulates his spray tan orange face and faux blonde hair.

This administration needs something that really speaks to its loves of processed foods, tacky commercialism, and phallic imagery.

As long as the CT was in development (reading about it here) I kept thinking “Musk HAS to be punking us. There’s no way he’s building a truck that looks this goofy. It looks like something I doodled on my math book cover in 8th grade”

Xhawk101 posted a follow-up saying he doesn’t expect Tesla to cover this

LOL, that, too...

The CyberTruck is not a truck. It is a lifestyle vehicle for influencers and tools.

Even if bent, the tailgate panel can still be used to slice vegetables and deli meat due to the razor-sharp seams.

Ahh, a Cyber truck with a slightly bent tail gate.

The CyberTruck is not a truck. It is a lifestyle vehicle for influencers and tools.

Buddy, it’s not your fault your shitty truck is falling apart around you.”

Trying to use a CT to do actual truck things...