
or the NBA Finals.

or San Antonio

You're gonna rot in hell. But it's okay, since I'll be more than happy to hang out with you there! We'll have so much fun!

I’m disgusted by my understanding of this reference and it’s implications.

Sure sure. Well, now I’ll replace that terrifying picture with another even more terrifying thought of the three of them together at once.

I keep seeing photos like this where Musk looks awkwardly photoshopped into the scene, but apparently they’re all real and he really is just lurking creepily behind people like that.

Tesla is going full Trump: keep doing terrible things and see what it will take for your buyers/supporters to abandon you. Apparently -- for both -- they’ve yet to hit those lows. 

Hope you’ve had a good year!

The guns fire nets? I was expecting them to fire stones.

I feel like “Archer” already covered this pretty thoroughly. 

Oh, God, no! Was the pothole okay?!

You would be astounded on (sic) how tough and capable the truck is.


Ah, see, it obviously engaged the Yakety_Sax.exe subroutine

Excellent work.

Ok SHut up and take your star GodDamit

Flying Robots Of Unusual Size?

“Hey that guy has the same car as yours”