
I unintentionally raw dogged a 15 hour flight. Got stuck in a window seat in coach and the people in the middle and aisle fell asleep during take off. 15 hours stuck in that window seat. When I went to get out of the seat, my legs didn’t work for a bit.

For you special I find article

It was print rather than video  but I  saw an excellent review of the Tesla Semi compared to a Volvo electric truck by a Polish trucker last year. He basically ripped the Tesla as an ergonomic disaster  where the Volvo was great in everyday service 

Jesus, tailgating is the oldest trick in the book to sneak into a place you don’t belong. The fact that such a method can work in airports is baffling!

huh.  it’s almost like 100 years of automotive building know-how was ignored when making this thing.

It’s quite simple, really: Muskrat isn’t an environmentalist. He’s a tech bro who saw some potential in the EV space. Making cars is hard, and he’s gotten bored with it, which is why he’s saying Tesla isn’t a car company and he’s cozying up to Trump. He doesn’t actually care about the EV transition or sustainability.

It makes sense when you realize he’s the richest man in the world, a white supremacist, and a fascist. He bought Twitter, not to make money or to foster free speech, but to amplify and promote the voices of the most fascistic, racist, anti-progressive views on the platform.

Don’t forget that news media relentlessly hammered one candidate for their age, while barely mentioning the age of the other candidate, and now that the first candidate has dropped out, all talk of anyone being too old has completely vanished, even as the remaining oldster can barely speak a coherent sentence.

Martin Shkreli, Elizabeth Holmes,

This election cycle has really shown a lot of contract between parties.

Musk endorsing Trump just doesn’t make any sense. He clearly doesn’t like Biden but that doesn’t explain everything that’s going on. To be not percieved as a lefty would help sell some trucks, but the move to the weird part of the right wing is just strange compared to his pre-Twitter purchase behavior. You don’t

As we all know about Elon, his personal hang-ups will always come above the best interests of his companies.

Leon Black comes to mind. He’s lesser known but more people should know about him. Lost his position as CEO of Apollo, one of the largest asset managers in the world and a firm he co-founded, after a third-party consulting firm discovered his ties with Jeffrey Epstein. Also lost his position as chairman of MOMA.

I’m trying to think of a business magnate who has so thoroughly ground his reputation into the dirt as Elon has and I am completely blank.

The only Tesla owners on my street will either call the cops on the 72nd hour of parking. Not the 73rd, the 72nd. Weirdly they are the only house with full native landscaping, but have a blue line cop flag. Talk about bpd.

Probably wanted something more reliable than the Mazdas. I bet it was a choice between a Land Rover and a CyberTruck. LoL.

Two Mazda rotary trucks and a Cyber truck! WoW

I see one every now and then near where I work, and every time I hang out my window laughing and pointing at that dumb looking thing lol. 

EXACTLY. Land Rover has pushed their vehicles into white collar garages using the same ridiculous tax advantages. That douche who smells chairs (after alpha males stand up from them, no less) and gave Trump a Cybertruck got it the same way and will just write it off on his YouTube tax paperwork.

Remember, we’re all

If you ever meet him, ask him what business he is in.