Who knew that having physical feedback when shifting the car is a benefit?!?
Go to your room.
Thanks for retro flashback, that was a fun chuckle.
The same thing happened in the 90s with nuclear power.
Underrated comment.
The place that nuclear is way ahead is in paperwork, not in technology. The equipment is robust, but looks highly antiquated.
wokka wokka
Was in a shop in Alberta and they had a bunch of dead powerstrokes and two burned out trucks, guy said it was bad tunes and not Nickleback, too much heat and the engines just melt stuff
Any reasonably fit adult, to be clear, because I just know you are about to posit a two year old trying to open it or something.
Imagine the US making competitive cars that’s popular in the US and the rest of the world.
Simplicity in vehicles is all in vogue. You deal with smart TVs, touch screens, and streamlined visual aids throughout your day that auto makers want to similarly streamline the interiors of their vehicles. There’s also a monetary aspect moving towards more simplicity, as it means less be-spoke buttons and knobs to…
“Ajay Thakore, otherwise known as Ace Rogers”
Okay, even if we hadn’t already known in the leadup that this was a colossal asshole, we’d have known right here.
It’s actually is better for the plant
Touchscreen shifters are a fantastically stupid idea.
As a “give us a smaller government” guy, this is exactly the type of things governments are for. The procedures to build something this complex are worked out by engineers and have a lot of care and thought put into what they call out. Someone outside the company with real authority looking at the manufacturing…
The key card is concerning.
The rest of them look like a massive hunk of cheese wrapped in aluminum foil.