
It’s just a regular Doug the full CARS AND BIDS!!!! wingspan is a Doug+ also sometime referred to as a Doug CB

For what it’s worth, I’m not anti-nepo baby. I truly don’t give a shit about the nepo babies. And I also don’t think he was throwing his weight around to try to get his wife hired. He asked for her to be hired. She wasn’t. He quit. That doesn’t help his wife or him. so it’s not like he bullied anyone or anything. I

I like Rian Johnson a lot BUT "thought it was very clever, didn't it" is kinda how I see *most* of his work.

Haven’t seen Glass Onion yet but am very much looking forward to fixing that soon. It’ll be tough to top the first one though, if only because I’m already aware of Benoit Blanc and his eccentricities.

I agree that this Dune was far better than Lynch’s Dune, although Lynch did a great job casting his movie.

I’m a huge fan of Lynch’s Dune, first off because I grew up watching it but mostly because it portrays the sheer weirdness of people, things and ideas that are 10k years advanced from us. Patrick Stewart carrying a pug into battle? Sure, why not, people now do things that would seem absolutely insane to someone 10k

Ha yeah he isn’t for everyone.  He doesn’t bother me I watch his stuff just usually turn it off for the driving impression part or the Doug Score at the end.

I thought this Dune was far better.  I know the original was limited by FX but everything looked like Dune meets Flash Gordon.  I really liked the overall aesthetic of this version and lord knows the acting was better.

The definition of SUV only matters because of carve-outs to various regulations (or incentive programs). Just get rid of it all. If it has a bed with a 1000lb load capacity, or is sold as a rolling chassis, it qualifies as a light truck. Everything else is a passenger vehicle and needs to meet all the same standards.

Well to be fair one Doug is a known and accepted unit of measurement in the car world. Instead of the over use of the whole “can it run Crysis” it’s how many Doug’s is it. So

It’s kind of funny that we’re guessing about the size of vehicles relative to the size of photos of Doug DeMuro, when we could just look up the dimensions on Google.

For immediate release: Tesla pleased to announce new Model Y “Thicc” Edition with 1600+lbs of lead weights permanently installed in the back.

as the son of a man who ran himself over with a tractor when he was 9 years old, I sympathize.  He hit something when he was helping my grandfather and flew over the front of the tractor and it rolled on top of him.  Fortunately the ground was pretty soft and he escaped with just some bruises.

As someone who watched over 900 episodes of Pokemon weekly before calling it quits I’ll say it from the bottom of my heart; you do not want to watch 900+ episodes of Pokemon

The show needed to die, but I do feel for him. He seems like a decent guy. He can’t really catch a break. Underused in X-Men, Superman Returns didn’t pan out. 30 Rock and Westworld were probably his only full arcs I can think of.

Oof. Just heard he was run over. Happened to a friend of mine about seven years ago, but an industrial forklift, not a snowcat. Took him a year in the hospital to recover and years of PT. Renner’s lucky, in a way, that it was a snowcat because those mostly use treads and spread the weight out better than wheels. A

I thought the Mo Farah sign was pretending you didn’t know what that cream that was just rubbed on your leg was.

He had a hilarious role in Logan Lucky, but it was post-Bond, so it doesn´t count. 

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Avatar 3: Fire
Avatar 4: Wind
Avatar 2: Water
Avatar 5: Heart

Sometimes being forced to act better does lead to people actually behaving better, long-term. The big issue is if they only have to act better for a brief period before being allowed to get away with behaving as they used to, which is often the case.