
I’m a programmer and I consider it office-work. The company knows that some of our best work happens when we’re at home sleeping. They’re harnessing our brain power, not our butts in their office chairs. This is a global company, so sometimes I have to meet with London or Paris or Delhi outside of my office hours.

I will say that I genuinely liked Arnold’s “Pops” character in that movie, and was glad that they essentially ported it over to the (much better) Dark Fate.

Always the extremes with people like you.  So his choice is work and sleep in the office or flipping burgers.  Is there no other jobs available for adults?  If you think being an adult is working long unpaid hours, you’re a sucker.

I love how people like Musk twist things around. He’s angry he’s being investigated for providing bed for tired employees. He leaves out the important part where he expects them to work endless hours and sleep in the office so they can work more hours.  Musk is sick, his admiration for Chinese slave labor is

Elmo’s biggest struggle in this situation is, how can he make money from all this? He doesn’t care if he tanks Twitter, or Tesla, or even his precious Space X, as long as he stays on top and “owns the libs.”

Just like papi’s emerald mine company shanty towns.

Anecdotally it seems like a good chunk of the remaining employees are on H1-B visas. If they lose their jobs they have 60 days to find a new one that will continue to sponsor their visa or they get deported.

Yeah, a 40-hour work week? Who does this guy think he is? You’ll definitely regret not having devoted more hours to making someone else money when you die.

If I was dumb enough to be a minion toiling at Twitter, it’d be a cold day in Hell before I crashed there.  Work a solid day from 8-to-5 and head home.  If Muskrat didn’t like my output, he could fire me.  What a dick.

That is, of course, straight out of the Trump playbook: 1) create a problem, through negligence or malice or both; 2) provide a half-assed and insufficient solution to the problem; 3) publicly congratulate yourself for having solved that problem.

He’s the worst possible thing that could happen to employees in a work environment.

Conservatives accused the tech company of playing politics and some alleged that, by suppressing the story, the company was attempting to help Joe Biden get elected.”

Oh the irony which is entirely lost on conservatives. So far these “twitter files” seem like much-a-do-about-nothing. Hunter Biden isn’t part of his

Last generation Republicans waving their arms around on fire:

Of course the dipshit’s trying to tweet through it, it’s all he knows how to do. He could have just let the work from home people continue to work from home, but of course he didn’t, because he’s an idiot, and now he’s acting like he’s a hero for “providing beds for tired employees”. Tired, of course, because he

Jack Dorsey asked Steve Jobs to buy Twitter. Jobs said Twitter isn’t a company, its an app and he had no interest. Musk paid $44 billion for an app Steve Jobs said was worthless. Jobs was right.  

So the richest man in the world decides to respond to breaking zoning laws by bringing up children dying from fentanyl. My brother in Christ, with the billions of dollars you have, you could help fix this problem that is weighing on your mind so much 

So, Musk wants to “expose” how big tech is guilty of influencing politics by, uh, using his big tech company to influence politics? Something tells me this isn’t about principles.

WikiDicks. Or would it be DickiLeaks? Actually, the latter one is probably more appropriate for Trump.

2) There’s no government involvement with any suppression of ‘hunter biden’s laptop’. The dump shows no government involvement in it at all. Literally the only mail shown so far was an otherwise awful Dem Rep arguing against banning it.

I’m still struggling to find actual “misconduct” here.

So far, the main themes seem to be:
1) The Trump White House and Biden campaign both asked for select posts to be taken down. So far, the only named ones are from the Biden campaign asking to remove dick pics of Hunter Biden.
2) There’s no government involvement