
Either way, it’s shocking that all of Perry’s editors at Macmillan signed off on it for release.

not going to fault someone for not feeling forced to have to work at a place that makes them miserable, and being able to step away. that’s not her issue, that’s capitalism and wage forced labour, so good for her for quitting. 

Oslo down with the puns there partner

It’s tough to hear. Fjord tough.

Norway around it, this stinks.

That would be Driven, already been done

Yeah, with Pattinson it felt like he was doing those movies like The Rover and Good Time and The Lighthouse at least in part to be like, “Guys, I swear, I actually am a good actor despite what Twilight might suggest.” And he was right; he’s terrific and has rebuilt his reputation from heartthrob to well-respected

About the performance of the dick?

What did she think?

He was. My wife saw it.

“The former child star is coming off of something of a career renaissance”

He was in Equus? So that’s why he acted weird when I said that to him.

Do people who’ve seen Equus come up to him and say “Nice cock”?

Sex offenders have historically been found amongst social workers, teachers, priests, doctors, babysitters, school caretakers, celebrities and charity fundraisers, yet no matter how often the scandals break, the lesson appears never to be learned: it is dangerous to assert that any category of people deserves a

I would love to know what the “gender affirmation” equivalent to religious people psychologically torturing LGBTQIA+ folx into denying their true selves (conversion therapy) is.

First off, its not

Yes I did! I had it for several years and somewhere while moving it got lost.

Did you get that trophy?

This is what amounts to a prop bet.  There are agencies that insure this kind of thing.  Country Club/Dealership puts up the thousand dollar premium, gets to advertise, and then go home.  If someone wins it, the insurance company pays for the truck, because they lost the “prop bet.”

Yep, when I was 13, for a fee, I enrolled in a Par-3 golf tournament. I ended up scoring the best. But, in the gala for the trophies, the local pro won with a higher score. One person came to my mother and asked if I was lying from time to time, for her to say no. I was told to keep a low profile and they would get me