
Corden has more talent and range

crown lands(highways, lands, forests, title claims etc), and a lot of legal instruments in property are derived from royal prerogatives. it would be very complicated to create a whole new system of operations, and a huge burden expecting each province to adapt to the changes.

Wong wasn’t invited.

Stuart Townsend, and yes, they realised he was far too young for the role once filming started.

We have seen a beardless Aragorn in test shoot of the trilogy.

The show didn’t do the best job at handling it at this point, but the Undying Lands isn’t meant to be accessed via a portal even in the show. The departing clouds refers to the “shadows and enchantments” that hid Aman from view in the First Age, and kept most unwanted visitors away even most of the Second Age. They’re

Tolkien did downplay the steampunk aspects later in life, but The Silmarillion is also not a definitive version of his mythology; no such thing exists. Towards the end of his life he started to regret the flat world-version and instead tried to rewrite the Middle-Earth cosmology to more closely match the real world.

May the light of my star free you from Sauron’s corruption of your puns!

True - maybe it is still just barely visible from Meneltarma.

Everything makes sense when you understand that Middle-Earth is a ringworld.

Well, long story short

The HOME books (“History of Middle Earth”) have descriptions of Númenor being an industrial nation with steam-punk technology such as metal ships and even missiles:

“possibly even having crude motors on its ships”

Needs more stars.

Eru Ilúvatar casting confirmed:

Of course it is; Numenor is right there!

Man, I guess my understanding of Tolkien lore is rusty. I didn’t even blink an eye at the show acting as if the “Globe-ifying” of Arda had already happened. Somehow I thought it was the result of Morgoth shenanigans, rather than Sauron’s.

When I get angry, I indulge in too much comfort food, and thus, anger does indeed make things become more round.

So we’re just going to ignore that she was the team lead on one of the greatest comics ever published?