
I’ve been saying this since they announced it! I bet he’d be up for it. Bring it full circle.

Could someone please tell Scott Adkins to change his name so I stop reacting excitedly to the prospect of Scott Adsit appearing in places I wouldn’t expect?

I don’t know, the guy’s pretty picky about what he appears in.

Been incredibly charmed by her since The Darling Buds of May.  Luminous.

This is not the first time I’ve seen trailers try this new trend of... what seems like a 5-second pre-trailer to the trailer? Can we stop that, please?

Looks a lot better than grumpy Mr. Blue Lips standing around while Jeremy Irons is chewing up the scenery.

Speed is a rate. Stop saying “High rate of speed.” It’s just “High speed.” 

That so terrible an evil can have so banal a genesis actually seems kind of appropriate actually.

Looks up: Moors

You can always spot the racists and hate mongers because the mere mention of including non white people angers them.

Yes, in an entirely fictional realm with dragons, eunuch armies, blood magic and curses, it’s unrealistic to add black people.  The horror.

Medieval Europe was diverse.

Great way to cheese off dedicated fans who hold the books sacred and scare off would be watchers tired of this insipid form of race baiting.

It’s a show about dragons and magic and you are complaining that it’s unrealistic to have black people in a colder climate.  Do you realize how silly that sounds?

The animation style, soundtrack, and mechs give me a Turn A vibe, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After Iron Blooded Orphans I think the franchise can afford to get a little Ghibli-esque again.

You might say it would have been The Best of Both Worlds. 

Imagine if Kirk and Picard had a scene like this in Star Trek: Generations.