
John Brunner predicted laser printers!

You don’t have a phone?

The “live studio audience” are the SpaceX employees at the factory watching the launch who have spent countless hours getting everything right so it goes smooth. Imagine seeing your hard work being launched into space. Wouldn’t that excite you?

I didn’t realize that pocket calculators still existed, haven’t seen one since college.

I have not. Hmmm.

I have not. Hmmm.

I can top it

I would have to stand GRRM, Guillermo del Toro, and Peter Jackson in a room together to be able to tell them apart. Apart from quirks of wardrobe and Jackson’s magnificent calves, they look like the same person to me. It’s one insanely creative person masquerading as three.

I love how all these directors act like it’s a particularly cutting recent complaint when this has happened constantly over the years. Cookie-cutter Westerns, Sword and Sandal, WWII, RomComs, Alien ripoffs, post Harry Potter YA, and found footage paranormal. All formulaic trends that went on for years and here we are,

Now playing

I love that movie, if only for the scene of the narrator having a coughing fit smoking a cigarette while lecturing on the evils of Marijuana.


I enjoy all movies

“You know nothing, Sci Fi.”

Small correction, Mercedes. Back in the 80s, “wrinkle clothes” was a common euphemism for “swollen testicles.”

I had the same reaction re the similarities to Dead Again. Regarding the latter, did you also find weird how there was no payoff on the weird hybrid convent/hospital from the beginning of the film? The film spends a long time there (like most of the first half hour) and it’s such a bizarre setting for a story set in

Your comment had 69 stars. I wanted to give you one more, but I was honestly in doubt. I ended up starring your comment anyway since it deserved it but, by doing that, I ended up removing its “nice” status. Sorry about that.

Disney’s fault? No. Can the company help change it? Yes.

That’s actually what Star Citizen is doing, I think they’re on the third or fourth iteration of their roadmap right now. So far it hasn’t worked out yet, but I’m sure they’ll keep trying at it.

That’s a great idea, but before we do that, let’s iterate.

There is usually only 1 day a year where temps get that low here. That day is always rough, with cars not starting and not being happy after getting started.