
I know what that feels like. I got wedged in the canal, and the doctor had to use forceps to grab my head and pull me out. I had a lumpy head for the first six months of my life.

*Canadian Girlfriend He Totally Met At Summer Camp

I was in an accident (my fault) about 10 years ago that totaled a Grand Cherokee and did minor cosmetic damage to an older BMW 7-series. The driver of the latter was a 20-something Russian guy. Down the road I get a call from my insurer that they’ve closed out the claim for the totaled BMW and injury to its passenger.

Is he faking an injury or a demonic possession, lol!


Now playing

..up until the ending this was pretty much an episode of Father Ted.

I made a related joke up above, but for several years now I’ve been thinking of the Catholic Church as the world’s largest LARPing organization, and they take it way too seriously.

Head of Local LARP Group Shirks Duties To Hang Out With Girlfriend

Does he get to keep the hat and stuff? That’d be dope.

It sounds like he was a mole the whole time:

I deal with insurance fraud as part of my job. The Tesla owner was very lucky to have caught it on camera. Most times it gets missed and you (or your insurance policy) end up paying out. Absolute scum of the earth.

It certainly seems like he’s making it all about himself, trying to ease his way back into the public consciousness: and lucky him he’s got a friend like Seth Meyers who not only staged his intervention, but has a platform for him to come on and re-introduce himself. He’s luckier than the vast majority of celebs, let

Maybe it was an exhausting experience and she’s glad it’s all over.  You can’t really know - I think it’s fair to be concerned for his wife, but the divorce may just be the right thing for both of them at this point in time.

I don’t see how spending 10 years in a relationship is a sacrifice? Sure it ended badly but it’s not time lost, you still grow in 10 years and they’re both still young.

Or maybe Mulaney's marriage is none of our business?

You have no actual experience or knowledge of his relationship with his ex-wife and commenting on it as you though you know the inner workings is extermely weird behaviour.

I have mixed feelings about Mulaney right now that can basically be summed up by saying that I feel bad for his ex-wife. Nonetheless, I appreciate his laying out this timeline of his struggles. It’s not information that we’re really entitled to, but he’s a public figure and we wonder, so it’s nice to have most of

It’s pretty easy for you to judge and dismiss things from where you’re positioned in this parasocial relationship. While certainly not as damaging as an addiction to cocaine, parasocial relationships and sitting so far stop a high horse in judgment of complete strangers are unhealthy and, in their own way, addictive

Congratulations on your recovery!