
Oh no, they’ve canceled Dune!

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I don’t care what they say, if I had a little red Barchetta in the vicinity of YYZ, it would be my dearest dream to keep it as new and preserve it for my nephew.

Q. What director would make a film about a gang of Toronto-based home-and-car thieves?

SpaceX seems like a dilemma. Unlike Elon Musk’s other ventures, they have a strong record for reliability, and are the undisputed industry leaders at this point. (Obviously, these are rockets — they have to work. It’s not like Tesla where an unintuitive touch-screen gear-shifter, a badly designed steering yoke or a

I’d expect the Subaru Ascent to smell really, really good. (Although maybe it would then be called the Subaru Afragrance...)

Prairie oysters? (Frozen and otherwise?)

Ah, but it’s a fine balance. If they’d screwed up the non-robot and non-kaiju stuff... you’d have Pacific Rim Uprising, the single most disappointing movie I have ever watched in my LIFE.

Yeah, the aspect ratios are totally different. (Wendy’s patties are square, I assume this film is letterboxed...)

Atlas Shepherd will be joined by an elite team of mech pilots: Dictionary Davies and Phonebook Franklin. (Under the leadership of legendary mech commander Encyclopedia Edwards.)

My English class in the 7th grade or so had a passage from Slan by AE Van Vogt. Inspired me to go find the book at the library. It was pretty engaging.

I remember those early chapters set in the snowy wilderness of Terminus, where Salvor Hardin butts heads with the stuffy Encyclopedists and Lord Dorwin shows up with his impeccable sideburns and his opaque doublespeak.

That’s just a baaaaaaad thing to do.

Funny thing is, aviation is such a well-established industry, I would have thought they would also have that safety emphasis baked into everything they do. Per the John Oliver piece on Boeing recently, too much focus on shareholder value is one reason things went wrong over there. Are industries like nuclear power

Black Market For Sketchy Tunes

‘Ace Rogers’? Maybe that’s why he pulled his trousers down...

Airports could also stand to do with a little less LAX-ness. (Getting between terminals there is a bit tedious.)

More like Untied Airlines, amirite?

You think that’s bad, when they ran out of crucial emergency exit components, they used that one photo of Jim Morrison.

You work in nuclear power? Curiosity, attention, etc.