
See, your headline made this sound like an unreasonable police invocation. But there’s definitely some sort of fraud or criminality here. If nothing else, I imagine Warner Bros have grounds to prosecute these people...

‘UKXEPCTED TWITS’ indeed. (That was actually very difficult to type...)

Oof, that reminds me of a couple of especially rushed final projects I had in college. But I wasn’t charging anyone money...

Weirdly enough, ‘Motorola’ sounds more like the name of a shady AI-based car-tracking startup.

You can get in a lot of trouble leaving unapproved ‘gadgets’ lying around...

Really enjoyed her on Catterick.

Rabban sounds tense. He ought to sit back with a refreshing beverage.

You’ve lightened what’s otherwise been a dreary, lethargic Monday for me. Thank you.

That would make sense.

Wow, Plaid? Just like a Volkswagen Golf!

What precisely is an ‘honorary MBE’? Aren’t all MBEs ‘honors’? Or is there a subtle distinction? (Genuinely curious.)

But you at least have the choice, unlike the ‘popcorn’ button on microwaves, which you’re supposed to actively avoid when making popcorn...

Yeah, these jokes start out fresh but eventually they’re just re-treads...

Looks like you’ve pun-ctured my joke XD

They get early re-tire-ment?

They took the idea to the local planning committee. But unfortunately, the joke went right over the chairperson’s head...

Now playing

Falling Satellites — great prog rock album by Frost*.

They say LLM performance is predicted to get worse as more of the data LLMs take in is itself AI-generated. I wonder if that’s true or if they’ve come up with ways to manage that. (If it is true, I’m curious when we’ll start seeing large-scale effects as a result.)

Are we sure they didn’t travel here directly from 1981?

How about this time he’s an influencer? He peddles a full-face skin rejuvenation mask on Instagram, but thanks to an accident (no doubt caused by Reed Richards’ meddling), he can never take it off...