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BTW Victoria Coren Mitchell, the host of Only Connect, was really fun on her series of Taskmaster.

Yeah, I do occasionally strike out. I’m generally able to solve them though. (Last night’s was fun!)

there will be enormous challenges in reaching volume production with the Cybertruck

Did this particular style of hood get phased out because of evolving safety requirements (crumple zones, etc)?

Was this whole thing Grimes’s idea? Was she looking for a weird musical instrument to take on tour?

That passenger must be feeling pretty sheepish...

Soothsayer: “I predict... goat stew for dinner! My predictions are infallible, that’ll be a hundred sestertii.”

They’re the GOAT.

One of the locals made a rather funny joke about it. But like everything else about this situation, it went over the lady’s head.

That is classic. Awesome!

I suppose you could consider ‘Staged’, where series 2 was about creating an American adaptation of series 1. (It’s not really that much of a shift, though -- it still maintains its relentless slide into absolute cringe >.<)

I imagine he’d rather everyone forgot about that. (I could barely get through one-third of that film...)

Thank GOD. Maybe I’ll check them out one of these days.

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All I remember is trying to watch the first film, and they kept shaking the camera so badly I could barely make out what was going on. Totally lost interest after that.

Don’t you step on my blue Feyd shoes

Based on the effective depiction of ornithopters in Dune Part 1, those wings should be vibrating at incredibly high speed...

Metal is great, but it’s no longer the 80s — keeping the actor in mind, maybe it’s time for a blue suede banana hammock.

So they both pose in future space bikinis this time?

There is water... at the bottom of the ocean!

Solar cars seem like they could be really useful in hot, bright desert conditions. There is the question of what you’d do at night, because adding a heavy battery for night use would add a lot of weight. Could this be a good application for a hybrid drivetrain, so you’d have a petrol/solar hybrid? Or would it just be