
Hmm, good point. All of them have that same basic shape, so you’d need something really special to be ‘pretty’. That is a good looking Porsche...

Ah, I see you did mention CD-i...

Hmmmmm, they do suggest that. But if there is room for interpretation, I personally prefer the idea that he spends time with her in a branch timeline before returning to his home timeline via an alternate route (instead of via the Hulk’s time machine). The MCU generally doesn’t do ‘destiny’ — except when somebody like

They managed to patch Tony Stark up after Thanos stabbed him in Infinity War. (I assume they had advanced medical facilities on Star-Lord’s ship...)

Cobie or not Cobie? That is the question...

This ‘multiverse means death doesn’t matter’ argument is overblown. The whole point of time travel and parallel dimensions in the MCU is that even if you find a variant of someone you care about, they’re not your variant — you can never have the same relationship with them that you had with the original. (That’s the

Daryl and Carol? Who else will show up, Colin Farrell in a barrel having a quarrel?

…also, if I learned anything from Star Wars , it’s that dogma is antithetical to the force.

Yeah, there were so many interesting ways it could have gone, but... didn’t.

Yeah, there should be an official name or rule number for this. Any time someone suggests an idea for a parody of superhero comics, it has already been done — by one of the mainstream comic book publishers.

Swamp Thing? More like James Mangrove, amirite???

How much do you think he’d charge for “What about the shitweasels?” (Or is that only from the Dreamcatcher film adaptation?)

Yeah, his cousins Skateboard and Tandembike also had trouble being taken seriously...

I read that Goosebumps novel as a kid

There should be a word for his specific brand of charming, persuasive nonsense.

Twist: it’s the truck Tom Hanks was supposed to be driving when he was on that island in ‘Cast Away’.

Justice Thomas should recuse himself from any case where only one party can afford to send him on a luxury vacation via a private jet. Give both sides the opportunity to buy his vote...

I guess the ‘Ex’ stands for ‘Extra Mileage’

I’ve always thought an odometer should be something you use to track down bad smells.

Maybe we’ll get a Bill Murray cameo (if he pays attention to spelling this time XD)