
It’s really privileged to call this poor. They own their own house and can afford college and private school. No one takes the bus to work.

Has anyone seen Cool Runnings lately? Does it hold up? I remember thinking it was THE BEST THING EVER as a kid, but I always worry about things I liked then because children have horrible taste.

Please please please let this show come back and pick up where it left off, with the same cast and everything. It was a terrific show, with a great, woman-centered storyline. It’s ridiculous that it was cancelled.

the first season was so good and i was looking forward to a second season to feature more of eleanor holmes norton who is amazing!

I’m a straight, white, midwestern male and I loved this show. Everything about it was very well done. I was baffled to hear that it hadn’t been renewed.

This is SUCH great news - I loved this show so much. I will watch the crap out of it if it comes back.

OMG, I know! I’m iffy on how she sings it to herself (except that it leads to Callie waking up) but when she sings to her baby (McSteamy ::tear tear tear:: looking on), “I was made for you!” CAN’T. EVEN.

I still watch!! Some seasons, I would let them pile up in my dvr queue and just when I was about to give up and delete them all, I’d fall down the rabbit hole. I’d watch them all and fall in love all over again. I can’t quit this show!

I watched up to season 6 but this makes me want to pick it back up... Can I put myself through this???

I had lost my job, and was home a lot about few years ago. This has always been my wife’s number one show, and I’d joke about her “needing to watch her stories” (which is funny, because we were both mid 20's at the time). While I was home looking for a new job, she’d leave lifetime on for about 6 hours of reruns. In

Did anyone notice that there is not a single image of Patrick Dempsey in that entire video? The Shonda/Dempsey rift runs deeeeep

I watch Grey’s every week. There have been horrible episodes and storylines (Um almost ALL of Izzie’s? Denny, Ghost Sex, marrying Alex and leaving him a shell of a man), but I just adore the show even when it’s bad. My favorite characters are probably Bailey and Weber.

I still watch it every week. I’ve put in too much time to give up now. Yes, it has been terrible at times but I push through and keep watching. This season hasn’t been bad.

I didn’t watch Grey’s for approximately six seasons and still pretty much knew exactly what was going on when I started watching again this season.

HTGAWM fans: I just realized Alex Karev is the MD version of Connor Walsh.

I read somewhere, possibly Jezebel, the suggestion that Season 6 should open with Clair saying, “Francis is dead.” I can get behind that. I was really looking forward to a Clair centered season.

They should still do season 6, sans Spacey, focusing on Claire’s presidency. She was always the MVP.

Oh sweet baby Jesus, please may Fenty Beauty grace the shores of my country. Soon. Next year.

Now playing

The first 4 seconds of this video was me, after finishing that story. Also, guess who’s going to a bottle share in Cincinnati in a few weeks?! I’m sleeping with one eye open.

I distinctly remember this story from last year - I’ve thought about it from time to time - and it still scares the hell out of me.