
Just googled FKAs engagement ring and it looks like something Edward would have given to Bella

He is so cute. The ultimate Dad. With all these Hollywood men being exposed as predators, I’m so glad nothing bad has ever come out about him. My heart would shatter.

very creepy pasta, that’s where i got it from

JESUS the encounters with real people are creepier than ghosts...

This is not a ghost story, but a horrible human encounter. This happened about 4.5 years ago:

That was one of the joke-posts last year. Oh, what an innocent time it was...

If you need fifty tries to get the right shade of gray, stop calling yourself an interior decorator.

Wait, HE was the one that leaked it?! I always kind of enjoyed the guy, but now he has my mad respect.

Didn’t Meyer also do a gender-swapped version of Twilight?

I love how EL James is ripping off of the Twilight prequel Midnight Sun which Stephanie Meyers ultimately didn’t release cuz it was kinda fucked up.

Guys, I found a leaked copy of the first page!! This looks soooooooooo good.

Remember when that Twilight idiot tried this and Robert Pattinson leaked it and they couldn’t release it?

I’m writing a fanfic that combines this and “The Wolf of Wall Street.” I’m actually kind of proud of it. Can the next big author be me?

Stephenie Meyer did a ‘from his perspective’ take on Twilight, now James is doing the exact same thing?

Would you care to read my draft 50 fic? In mine, “Shmannah” a young woman who hears slutty voices in her head falls in love with “Schmedward” a wealthy businessman with a dark past. But can Schmannah cure him with her sparkly vagina? Or will she choose her friend Schmacob who is a poor but has abs (spoiler: no!)? Oh

Unless it covers the part where he attended a PUA conference or practices negging (and it fails), I refuse to entertain the notion that this is a book.

I can’t wait for the next big author to be the person who does Fifty fanfic and then alters it enough that they can pass it off as their own work. The tradition will continue!

Nope. Heard that about her myself.

This movie will get me EVERY DAMN TIME. The end, when they show her real fans with the pictures and candles. Man, I’m tearing up just thinking about it. RIP, Selena.