Jackie Harkness

It drives me nuts that so many atheists can’t just accept that the historical figure Jesus DID exist! Yes, you can laugh at the idea of him being God or whatever,but stop pretending he was some kind of made up fairytale altogether. There were tons of weird hippie preacher types running around the desert back then,

Well first you’d have to work out if Jesus actually existed for sure. Then whether the events described actually occurred. Then work out which time of year this all happened, and not base it on some arbitrarily misappropriated pagan spring festival.

Let hope Jesus doesn’t see his shadow, or it’s one more year of damnation.

Other possible ways Jesus exited his tomb, ranked. 1. Sauntered. 2. Ambled. 3. Sached. 4. Did the electric slide. 5. Ubered. 6. Pulled out bleeding and hysterical by United Airlines Security Guards while claiming he had patients to heal the next day. 7. Moseyed. 8. Just flew right the duck out of there. 9. There was

It’s almost like America is a huge landmass with lots of different places and lots of regional cultures and some people like to live in some areas while others like to live in others. What a concept.

“I don’t favor cutting NIH or Centers for Disease Control. You’re much more likely to die in a pandemic than a terrorist attack, and so that’s part of the defense of the country as well.”

How many emails were to Mother, and how many to Mother Russia?

True, but there are no shortage of press members, especially right-leaning or centristones, who have a scorching case of first they came for the Communists and I said nothing because I wasnt a Communist and obviously its going to stop right there, right, with people I dont likedelusions.

Get out of here. You know that the Munchkins are not sending their best and brightest. The Munchkins are sending rapists and criminals. They’re bringing problems with them. They’re bringing drugs, and they’re bringing crime. And a few Munchkins, I assume, are good people.

Sadly it’s more “Ush mah guh um if mah?”

I marched in Seattle, and I don’t give a big fat fuck what anyone is saying about it or asking me what will it cause. You know what it caused, happiness. It was lovely to be out with people of all ages, races, genders, reasons for being there, etc. It showed me that none of us are alone nor are we single issue people.

Uh... you know that diverse groups have diverse opinions and people get to voice them. Progressive people tend to get this. It’s not “infighting” or “eating your own” or whatever else detractors want to call it. Our diverse movement can support and respect multiple opinions at the same time - even ones individuals

To be fair, the GOP has made the devastation of non wealthy, no white children a pillar of their ideology for decades. She is just coming in to give the death blow.

Every time you write something it makes me want to be a better person. I fucking love how real you are about everything.

Can we just go ahead and give these people some cyanide kool aid so they aren’t around to fuck it up next time? They obviously don’t have more than 3 brain cells.

2017 will be much worse. And so will ever year after. Until we die. There is no goodness left. All is lost.

I definitely think that is some of it, for sure. Although, I was told to question everything, but it was in a history class taught by a very liberal person. I’m from the South, so there is also this authoritarian thing that goes on down there in addition to everyone’s desire to conform. (Oh, and these are the same

We’re fucked you guys.

I seriously don’t know how to fight something like this.

I gotta say, I’m a naive millennial. I’m not used to the bad guys winning.