Jackie Harkness
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I’m an environment engineer. That’s a euphemism for sewerage engineer. Tampons are murder on the pumps. They gum up the works, so we employ comminutors, like this muffin monster. Muffin is code for a tampon swollen with sewerage. They’ll eat anything tho. Boy I could watch this thing chew up stuff all day. And if you

So she is a Camille Paglia part two. One was MORE than enough...

Well, yes, this is the heart of the matter. This is why a slim majority of white women voted for 45 and even more voted for a pedophile in Alabama. Because those white women care more about what white men think of them than they do about themselves let alone other women.

In the ninties conservatives needed a bright new face to tell the flannel-clad young women that feminism is evil and women’s liberation was a mistake. Her career got derailed by the whole shift in right wing messaging away from a pretense of propriety and decorum. But the kind of old, conservative, white men who

The sad thing for me about approaching forty is not wrinkles. It’s that by 50 most people have already started to go deep into their worst trenches and only get worse till 70, when they become cute and irrelevant. Will I have the presence of mind to realize when become defunct? Will I have the strength to keep my

It’s so much like Dan Bakkedahl from Veep IRL I can’t even believe it

Adam Reed just read your comment and then rewrote all of Archer Season 9.
Pirates out, Pentagon Papers in!

I am extraordinarily thankful that I don’t give a shit about the Russia investigation. Like, if it takes him down, fantastic, but honestly the real story of 2016 wasn’t Russia, it was of the rotten core of America unleashing a far more serious backlash than pretty much anyone expected and exposing just how fragile the

SO EXCITED to scroll down and see the red addition to the color palette. I had to make myself read through the whole article before skipping ahead.

TAX MONEY, it must be protected.

How is it that little old me knew about his behavior from years on gossip sites, but no one else who knew the man suspected a thing? All these folks are suspiciously quick to jump on the anti-Harvey train, like they knew all along and didn’t say anything. So are they really appalled and is this a turning tide for

Everyone needs to get Chicago’s name out of their mouths after mass shootings.

as a person from the south, i grew up on chick-fil-a - it was a staple. but once they started funneling money into prop 8, i noped right the f out - i hadn’t had it since.

I mean, her criticism isn’t even relevant. She veers off into her own political opinions like it’s an editorial. Even if you agree with her bigoted viewpoints, it should remain that you should direct your critique to the actual play, and not your feelings on police violence and how it’s really all black people’s fault.

I am so tired of this idiotic most violence affecting the black community comes from black communitynon-argument from disingenuous racists. The vast majority of ALL violence is intra-racial; that statistic is utterly meaningless because it applies to virtually everyone, everywhere. Most violence affecting the white

I’m pretty sure Merkel invited I.Trump because she knew exactly this would happen.

I mean “filthy rich” does kind explain how “hot” blonde girl was achieved- there’s a reason she doesn’t have the same the last days of the Hapsburg dynasty looks that her two adult brothers do.. and that reason is hundreds of thousands of dollars in cosmetic surgery.

“If there’s no wine, I swear, I will send Angela to the corner market to get us some. ‘Come to the summit,’ she said. ‘It will be fun,’ she said.”

Ivanka was so embarrassed, she spent the remainder of her time in Germany using her alias: Adrienne Vittadini.

Thank you German women. Very kind of you to engage with this wiley bitch and make sure she knows we all know exactly who she is. Regardless of nationality.