Jackie Harkness


The doublethink theyre forcing us to do in order to keep the peace in our country is pretty scary. I refuse to pretend like Trump didnt say those horrible things he said while on the campaign trail. I hope others dont either. No clean slate, clean it up your damn self.

Our first black President sitting with the country’s last President. Sad.

We made the choice to end a wanted pregnancy this time last year- we were lucky (?) that the defects were severe enough to show up on an ultrasound at 14 weeks. Seriously screw him, and all those who believe that this is a choice that extends beyond the woman and medical team (and if relevant, her partner or other

The plaintiffs are represented by the law firm of Trilby, Neckbeard & Misandry.

Play me off Keyboard Cat.

How amazing it must be, living in a coastal city. In Chicago, where there is nothing and your only friend is the demonic avatar of winter riding a fixed gear bicycle, you’re lucky if you find an old broken acoustic guitar lying in a trash heap somewhere so you can pluck tuneless melodies next to a space heater until

What king of singing voice do you think Kissenger possess? Two Austrian ally cats fucking?

I’m just... baffled that despite Trump’s lies, his obvious lack of transparency, his flat out scandals, he has somehow cut down Clinton’s lead to a mere 3 points.

How have we gotten here, America? How in the f*** can Clinton get criticized and eviscerated for these exact same qualities, and yet somehow, Trump can just

Hmmm...I’ve gone to a lab for blood tests (potassium, thyroid, etc.) 3 hours before an appointment, and the results were there within the hour. So, a man who’s got more money than I (??) has to wait a week? Shit, just have Dr. Doobie do his usual “Mad Libs” fill-in-the-blank diagnosis and go from there. He can also

The doctors are still trying to figure out how a collection of hubris, hate and stupidity managed to assume something akin to human form.

Seriously...... I get lab results in less then 24 hours, but a fake billionaire running for president is still waiting after a week.. I call shenanigans.

I want to send him an email saying, “I didn’t want to miss work for maternity leave, or to take Junior to the hospital after it became a kid. So I got an abortion instead. Thanks, Mister Gay!”

I worked my ass off as a young to get the ERA passed. Phyllis got evolved with all her big money backing and did a ton of damage. Why? As she said, “women need to have the freedom to choose the role of wife and mother”.

Mine’s black and white cos I’m all about the integration.

Wow...insulting much? I don’t even know if my cat is black, white, or purple. I don’t see color, unlike SOME people

When I was young, in the 80's, we said things were "retarded" or "gay" or a plethora of other things that we put no thought into at all. As we grew older and became aware of the world around us and that other people may have feelings, most of the people I know stopped talking like that. It wasn't "political

Well, I, for one, appreciate your open and honest ice cream advocacy!

You know who else says what he thinks? The crazy guy who lives in the park near my office. I won’t be voting for him, either.

They told me that having seen Event Horizon several times does not qualify me to do ‘all that space shit’.