If having a reality tv show, scamming lots of people, and running several of your own businesses into the ground qualifies one to run the country, then apparently so.
If having a reality tv show, scamming lots of people, and running several of your own businesses into the ground qualifies one to run the country, then apparently so.
the following should be said VERY SPARINGLY:
While I don’t think any class of people should be disenfranchised, I have little hope that voting will make things better.”
Rape milk? Rape cheese? This can’t be a serious post. No one outside of brain washed PETA creeps talk this way.
You’re really not doing much to quell the “Angry, Hateful, Militant Vegan” stereotype. Are you sure you’re getting enough B12? And I say this as a full vegetarian and 90% vegan. When you speak like that, it makes people want to run full speed in the opposite direction, not listen to anything you have to say. You’re…
Depends... with some guys, you crush their nuts and milk comes out...
I’m picturing the koalas from that old Nick Jr. show doing this (Pinky and Blinky? Blinky and Stinky? I can’t remember) and it’s a great visual for a Wednesday.
Also, vegan cheese should not be allowed to use the name cheese.
There’s no such thing as Almond Milk or Soy Milk...it’s called juice. Until we genetically modify fruit to have udders that is...
This is a good idea and I’m sharing it with everyone. We recently had to put my mother-in-law in a memory care facility. Once a vibriant, smart, and active woman, she developed dementia in her late 70s and the decline was swift and drastic. We were so busy with her care, we didn’t take time to sit with her and let her…
This is the left’s Achilles heel. They hit it and quit it for presidential elections and don’t care about the down ballot. Want to know how Paul LePage happens? Democrats sit on their fat asses. To shift focus up there; if Maine democrats can’t find a candidate to beat him they deserve to lose.
I guess this was coming especially after “hillary for prison,” “trump that bitch” and “hillary sucks but not like monica.”
2008 reminded us all that racism is definitely not over, and here’s 2016 reminding us all that sexism definitely isn’t over either.
A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Trump. You think any of the Republicans are going to vote 3rd party because he’s burning their party down around them? Nope. They’re gonna fall in line, and they’re gonna put Trump in the White House, because people like you who could have stopped them threw your votes away.
Sorry that you have to pretend Hillary Clinton alone is personally responsible for every war the US has been involved in EVER, so that you can help Donald Trump get elected.
You don’t get to just pretend that your moral high ground doesn’t have real world consequences, jerk
It’s fine that you don’t want to vote for a candidate that you don’t think represents your ideals, but it is also fine that Bee lives in the real world and recognizes that: (1) there are only two candidates with a chance to win this presidential election and (2) if you refuse to vote for the one that most closely…
Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.
Participating in capitalism almost guarantees you're going to get fucked over at least once in your career.