I’ve been caught in one before and it is scary. As of today, there is a missing swimmer in a NJ shore town because of one.
I’ve been caught in one before and it is scary. As of today, there is a missing swimmer in a NJ shore town because of one.
So did Elsa create the iceberg?
Your public library is your friend. For a history class I took in college, all of the books required were available at the public library. We only needed each book for a few weeks so I didn’t even have overdue fines.
On one hand I hope this guy takes Josh Duggar for every penny he has. On the other hand, I can’t help but feel for Anna and the kids. (Of course Anna is an idiot for standing by her man). I wish there were some money set aside for them to get out of the fundamentalist lifestyle once and for all.
This is a good guideline. Last year my mom offered me an experience of a spa day as a Christmas present and I turned it down. Having never been the type to go near a spa, I chose the ‘stuff’ (well repairing of stuff) of getting my (cracked) cell phone fixed.
She’s on catnip.
Buy real estate, file for bankruptcy multiple times, marry 3 times (with your current wife young enough to be your daughter), get a reality show, and eventually run for POTUS as a racist blowhard.
Separate checks. I’ve been stiffed way too many times and won’t go out to eat with friends otherwise (and avoid restaurants that won’t do separate checks).
A word to the wise about Nine West. Avoid them at all costs if you have wider feet. Their shoes tend to run very narrow.
A word to the wise about Nine West. Avoid them at all costs if you have wider feet. Their shoes tend to run very…
My body can’t tolerate heat (melting point is about 80) so summers are unbearable enough for me outside, you better not take it away from me inside. (I can tolerate cold, but not heat).
I stopped using dry shampoo about 6 months ago (too lazy to replace a dead can) and it no longer looks like a Yeti lost a fight when I wash my hair.